Live your life, live your only life.

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3 min readMay 14, 2020

Life, life is a mystical and impossible to figure out what are we here for?

There are so many kind of different types of people and ways to live the fullest of the only life we really have, because a life without knowing if you had a life before or after the one we live isn´t an answer for not thinking this is the only life we have. And you can do lots of things in the life you have, but nothing of all you make will matter on the final result, at the end it doesn’t really matter what you did or what you didn’t, in the end all that really matters is if you have regrets because you can´t control the other person, you can´t control always your result or just you can’t control any thing in life really except the decision you can take to put you closely to the thing you really want.

Life is not a simple and easy thing to figure it out, most of the humans don’t know what they really like or figure it out when they are in the last years of life, but having a life where you can do things that you really like is the one of the simplest tip anyone can tell. But as always doing the things you really like is not that simple, maybe you find it quickly or just not figure out what is that you are passionate about. The important thing is to not have any fear nether think that it isn’t for you because nobody knows what will turn out to be the thing you like the most and don’t thing that liking something means be great at first at it, if you really like something and want to became great at it you will slowly became better and better at it no matter what. But if you make a difficult objective it might not happen in your lifetime but putting your best at it will make a great impact.

Life is a weird thing and impact to our soul in very different ways. Most of us don’t think about death and the meaning of life in our daily bases and we live our life in a reckless way, ways that don’t make it longer and sometimes make it extremely short, but as long as you are doing things you really think you like is a good thing.

For some of us life impact our soul in a very variable way, some days looks like we are living the best life we think we could live, some days we think life is very miserable and as bad and difficult it could really be in our mind. We sometimes really do not know what is to live life at the very best or worst. But you always must remember that not all the days will be great, and if you do not have bad days you may never appreciate the really great day as much as they are worth.

Life is like a rollercoaster you go up and down, but the thing you must know is that you are always going to go the other way around, and not be scare of it. We are not eternal and neither our love ones, we are going hit some hard times and great times, so be always thinking that these is the moment to appreciate what we are living, and we may never be like this again. Do not waste your time waiting for something to happened or someone to change, do what you can.

So, live your life at its fullest without any regrets it´s not easy but always try to do what you really what.

Live your life, live your only life.



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