Moments of Passion Indefinite Hiatus and Other Updates

Changes Coming Up

Moments Publication
Published in
2 min readJul 12, 2020


As many of you know by now, especially those of you who read that publication, I’ve been asked to become an editor for the publication Sexography and am now part of the staff. I couldn’t be happier with this and look forward to helping to bring the highest quality material to readers possible with them.

Considering that, I must own my shortcomings, here, and say that Moments of Passion has definitely taken a bit of a back seat. Sexography is a big publication with a lot of readers and it’s taking up a lot more of my time to read through their pieces than I’d anticipated.

Having that said, I’m going to be closing down new submissions to MoP here for an indefinite period of time until I can get this situation worked out with my time so that I can rightfully give each publication my full attention, supposing that happens. The good news is, if you already write for us here at Moments of Passion, you can still submit work as you have been and I’ll keep publishing it. I just can’t bring any new writers on board for the time being.

Thank you all very much for your submissions. We’ve published some cool stuff here together and I’m eternally thankful for you all for working with me.

For sex-related material that isn’t erotica (we do not publish erotica), feel free to submit at We’re looking for material that’s inspirational, uplifting, touching, and educational, not just raunch. I look forward to seeing you both here and there.

Regards and stay safe,
Joe Duncan

