More Women Than Ever Are Choosing to be Child-Free — Will Society Adapt?

The cultural presumption is still that all women want to be mothers— unless there’s something wrong with them.

Lizzie Mulherin


Photo by Jude Beck on Unsplash

“The determination I’ve come to, is that there are three kinds of women in the world. There are the women who were born to be mothers, the women who were born to be aunties and the women who should not be allowed within 10 feet of a child. It’s very important you figure out which camp you belong to, because tragedy and sorrow results from ending up in the wrong one.” — Elizabeth Gilbert.

I’m sitting at a table with five other people; four women and one (lucky) man, who all run successful businesses in the creative industries. We’re having lunch at our CoWork space, discussing a topic that has become particularly hot in my world lately: procreation. Thus far, the outnumbered male is the only one to have done it.

“The older I get, the less I want children,” one of the women — currently in her early 30s — declared.



Lizzie Mulherin

Thought pieces on relationships, human behaviour, gender and identity. Words in Huffington Post, Time Out & Lifestyle Online. Twitter / IG: @LizzieMulherin