The Sistine Chapel — photo by Calvin Craig on Unsplash

My Advice to Writers as an Editor of Several Publications

Here’s How to Make Your Stories Better

Joe Duncan
Published in
8 min readJul 26, 2020


Writing is a wonderful endeavor. It’s something that fills our spirits with joy, the wonderful joy of self-expression and giving, putting our thoughts out into the world for others to pick up and piece together, reassembling abstractions from our minds to theirs.

There is another side of the equation, too, that many writers don’t get to experience — this is the role of editor. Being an editor for seven different publications, I see my fair share of work, especially with Moments of Passion and Sexography, two of the larger publications I edit for. I wanted to share with writers the insights I’ve had along the way and how they might be able to apply specific concepts to better themselves as writers.

On the one side of the coin, a lot of the work that gets submitted through publications needs work to truly shine. Editors can be extremely helpful for aspiring writers who want to perfect the work they have and attain further reach and readership by increasing their quality. A good editor helps the writer be their best and a good writer listens to the constructive criticism of their editor and applies it.

On the other side of the coin, there are a few writers who submit work, and I just instantly know it’s going…



Joe Duncan

I’ve worked in politics for fourteen years and counting. Editor for Sexography: | The Science of Sex: