My Tears of Joy

A sign of hope

Gagandeep Kakar
5 min readOct 14, 2023


In the ocean of emotions, deep and wide,
Tears of joy, in me, do gently reside.
Crystalline droplets from my soul they flow,
When my heart’s too full, and words can’t show.

Pure, unadulterated, their essence gleams,
Transforming pain to the sweetest dreams.
These tears of mine, like diamonds they shine,
In their radiant glow, a hope divine.

They heal my wounds, mend my broken heart,
A masterpiece of emotions, a true work of art.
A shimmering light, they cast in their wake,
Guiding lost souls, a path to undertake.

So let them fall, these tears of mine,
In their gentle flow, a brilliant sign.
That joy prevails, and hope’s not lost,
In the ocean of emotions, no matter the cost.

In a family where previous generations showed little interest in education and settled for mediocrity, I emerged as a hope to rewrite our legacy. My lineage bore the weight of unrealized ambitions and neglected opportunities, where completing basic schooling was considered an achievement in itself. Growing up, I mirrored this pattern of my ancestors, preferring sports over academics, content with being the ‘just passing’ student. But life had a surprise in store, one that would reshape my destiny and light the path to an unimaginable transformation.

A Legacy of Uncharted Territories

My family’s story had always revolved around dreams put on hold and untapped potential. The idea of pursuing higher education felt like a distant dream to us. Beyond the school’s walls, advanced studies seemed as distant as the stars in the night sky. I also fell in line with this narrative, gradually shifting my focus toward sports, relegating academics to a secondary role. I was perfectly fine with being an average student, just barely getting by in exams.

Yet, the wheels of destiny turn in mysterious ways, and my moment of reckoning arrived during the 10th-grade board exams. The expectations of my family hung heavy on my shoulders, a pressure that ignited a fire within. They had always yearned for a brighter future for me, as our family’s history was marked by unfulfilled dreams. This desire for my success stemmed from the stories of my father, who had faced countless obstacles due to his limited educational opportunities.

For instance, my father used to take up extra work as a driver to earn some additional income for our family. It was his way of ensuring that we had the basic necessities and, if possible, a chance at a better education. His experiences behind the wheel served as a constant reminder of the hard work and dedication required to provide for the family’s needs.

So, when I resolved to put forth an effort like never before during the 10th-grade board exams, it was driven not only by my personal ambitions but also by the sacrifices of my family. And when the results were unveiled, I witnessed an astonishing sight that still lingers vividly in my memory.

In that moment, as I secured a distinction with 80%, I became an audience to a spectacle that had long eluded me — tears of joy streaming down my parents’ faces. It was like an outpouring of happiness, a real-life, feel-good movie moment right in our humble living room. I did not just experience the intensity of emotion; I witnessed it through the glistening drops in their eyes.

For the first time, their tears became my own, and I felt an overwhelming sense of pride and relief. As I hugged my parents, a sense of gratitude welled up within me, knowing that their sacrifices and unwavering support had led to this moment. I also realized the importance of my role in reshaping our family’s destiny.

The Spark of Hope

That day, my achievement wasn’t just a scholastic milestone; it was more like a spark that ignited hope in my family’s hearts, and trust me, it surprised even me. For my parents, it meant the possibility of a future where their child could finally break free from the chains of mediocrity and forge a path that didn’t involve just ‘passing by.’ It was the pivot, a little glimpse of light within the tunnel of darkness that had haunted our family for generations.

With that hope, I set off on a journey that would carry me farther than any of us could’ve ever imagined. I enrolled in a computer engineering course, stepping into uncharted territory, a terrain previously untouched by my family’s history. The road ahead was riddled with challenges, yet I carried the torch of hope, determined to prove that education was not just a dream but a tangible reality.

An Unexpected Storm

As I delved deeper into my second year of diploma studies, life hurled an unforeseen tempest in my direction. My father, the anchor of our family, departed this world, leaving behind a mountain of financial responsibilities. The burden was overwhelming, but my resolve refused to waver. Quitting was never an option.

Amidst the grieving process and the overwhelming financial turmoil, I persevered in my pursuit of education. I worked tirelessly, juggling my studies with part-time jobs, and scoured for scholarships and loans to pave my way forward. Every day was a test of endurance, but I clung fiercely to the belief that education would be my beacon out of the abyss.

Triumph Born from Tears

Years of unwavering determination and relentless hard work finally culminated in the attainment of my engineering degree and securing a job. As I stood at the graduation ceremony, with the cap placed firmly upon my head and the degree clasped in my hand, it was almost surreal. The tears that cascaded down my face were not tears of sorrow, defeat, or even relief. They were tears of pure, unadulterated joy, interwoven with pride, and punctuated by gratitude.

In those tears of joy, I felt the culmination of a lifetime’s struggle and sacrifices. I felt the weight of generational expectations being lifted, and I knew that I had not just secured my own future but also provided a brighter path for generations to come. It was a triumph born from tears, a victory that went beyond my individual journey.

Tears of joy have a potency that reaches beyond the individual. They are the tears of hopes fulfilled, of dreams realized, and of generational narratives rewritten. They are the tears that epitomize triumph, and they possess the potential to be the source of hope, inspire others to conquer adversity and reach for their own aspirations.

