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Soul Sharing Series: Your Words Are Not Just Words

A poem for my children

Jacqueline O'Leary
Published in
2 min readFeb 19, 2021


Your words are not just words.
Your words are important because you are important and because
your thoughts and feelings matter to me.
Anything you ever want to say
is exactly what I want to hear
even if you think that can’t possibly be true.

I hang on your every word.
I want to catch them, every one, and gather them and hold them close for as long as possible so I can relish each syllable and the way they rest against the rhythm of my heart as it beats for you; so I can breathe in your presence for longer than only the time it takes for words to be spoken.

I swallow your words and love the way they taste, like ice-cold lemonade on a super hot day.
The sound of your words in the way you say them is magical, like hearing your favorite song: it makes my heart do a silly happy dance.

I am excited to hear every single thing you want to share
because your words are not just words.

They are like the first snowflake of winter.
They are like hot chocolate in your mouth and a warm mug in your red cold tingling hands after coming in from a snowball fight.
Like the way an eclair tastes on your tongue.
Like the excitement of your birthday
or Christmas morning
or the first day of summer vacation.

They are like hugging your favorite stuffed animal
or kisses from our new puppy.
They are like a smile from your very best friend.
Or making a bubble beard in a very very bubbly bubble bath.
Or getting the toy or prize you wanted in a kids’ meal
in the claw machine
or in the 25¢ gum ball machine at the grocery store after you fumble with the coins in your tiny fingers, nervous with eager anticipation, and turn the sluggish handle with so much hope in your big eyes.

They are like waiting a long and tiring time in line for your turn to run through a sprinkler or go down a water slide in the middle of summer
and finally getting to feel the water on your skin.

Your words are not just words.
They are your voice.
They are evidence of the only you there is.
They are blessings
in letter form.
They are both the rich and the challenging experiences of our life together saying back to me:

You are loved.

Photo property of Jacqueline O’Leary and Megan Mihlfeld



Jacqueline O'Leary
Writer for

Love Ambassador • Featured in Elephant Journal, Thrive Global • Helping us love ourselves more so we can love each other better •