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The Best Men Are Sexually Experienced Men

How My Sexual Promiscuity Made Me a Better Lover

Joe Duncan
Published in
6 min readApr 2, 2019


Whenever I write about sex, I generally write for men, if we’re being honest here. It’s not because I’m sexist, it’s not because I feel like men are more important than women, but rather, because I’m a heterosexual, cis-gendered white guy, one without a claim to any minority status in American society. This is simply the worldview that I’m most intimate with, and feel the most confidence in sharing and the relatability of my views from within that worldview.

I feel like most men face particular challenges in today’s dating world challenges that I myself have overcome reasonably well. I remember the pain, the frustration, the agony of not knowing what to do in certain situations when I was interested in someone. So, I finally did something different one day, basically out of frustration and desperation — I started listening.

I started listening to the women I was dating, and I’ve been fortunate enough to have a long sexual history, all with very different, special, and usually, absolutely amazing people that I deeply respect. Each of them gave me the ultimate gift — the gift of being able to borrow their eyes for a little while so I could see the world from their point of view; this happened every time we discussed the pains they’d been



Joe Duncan

I’ve worked in politics for fourteen years and counting. Editor for Sexography: | The Science of Sex: