The Case for Saying ‘I Love You’

Let’s set free the three most important words in the world.

Kathryn Dickel
Published in
6 min readApr 20, 2021


Photo by Christopher Beloch on Unsplash

‘I love you.’

I said it as he stepped back into the truck he’d borrowed from his dad to procure some supplies for my garden. We’d just finished up our adventure at the otherworldly city dump filling burlap bags with fresh compost, still hot enough to steam up the bed of the truck. After a little lunch, and some more conversation, we were back at my place for the drop-off.

As usual, our time together was a satisfying mix of storytelling, deep dives, music, a few laughs, comfortable silence, some occasional knowing glances and a dog. Our time always begins and ends with a long, lingering hug. We take in deep breaths of each other’s bodies, knowing that we will impart our fragrances upon the other, thus taking the other person with us after we’ve gone about our day in the absence of the other. Our breathing comes into alignment and we release all the energy that can’t be released through words, or looks, or music. It can only be communicated through touch. In many ways it is the warmest, safest space I can currently find on this planet. It is certainly the safest space we can create to exchange this energy. Anything more may open the door to a consumption not supported by timing. Anything less…

