Source: Joe Duncan; All Rights Reserved

The Joys of Dating an Older Woman

Maturity Sure Has Its Perks

Joe Duncan
Published in
6 min readAug 30, 2019


There I was, watching her get ready to accompany a friend to a nice dinner out, putting her makeup on, a nice merlot-colored sweater with matching shoes, skin-tight jeans, and a fierce glance that was anything but childlike, a glance which shifted back and forth from her reflection in the mirror to mine, as we talked while she prepared for an adult night out. I took a moment in silence and let her speak, a brief break from the quips we’d been cracking back and forth, and sat there observing her in sheer amazement: “She is such a powerful woman,” I thought…

For the longest time, I didn’t date older women when I was younger. It just didn’t end up happening, I always seemed to click with women who were younger than me, being the very young personality that I am. But I was certainly missing out. My current relationship is a massive divergence from my usual modus operandi. Maybe it’s because I have my life a bit more together, maybe it’s because I’ve sewn my wild oats and lived a full and exuberant life and it’s just time for me to settle down and relax with my other half, maybe all of these things play a role in this new joy I’ve found in now dating an older woman, but what’s undeniable is that it has its perks. She has her stuff together, there’s no doubt about that. And, when we talk about enjoying one another’s…



Joe Duncan

I’ve worked in politics for thirteen years and counting. Editor for Sexography: | The Science of Sex: