The Ocean of Rape Apologists I’m Surprised to Discover Exist

The Self-Imposed Victimization of the Contemporary Male

Joe Duncan
Published in
7 min readSep 19, 2019


Never in a million years did I think that a subject such as the idea that people shouldn’t rape or sexually assault people would be considered controversial, but, it is 2019, and the toxic males of the world have reached new levels of entitlement and self-imposed victimization, in the most bizarre, backward logic I’ve ever seen. These poor men, these poor, pitiful men, can’t even expose themselves to unexpecting women, anymore, without the women getting uncomfortable and upset with them. What is this world coming to?

Did you know that women wearing leggings are way worse than a man exposing himself? Apparently so, for one reader who felt the need to comment, quote:

“Leggings are far more obscene than the occasional d*** flash. Agreed [with other commenters], the [woman] needs to grow up.”

That’s right, how dare she? How dare she not enjoy being spontaneously shown a flaccid penis against her will? But, that’s not all, in addition to this, another commenter chimed in with a much more elaborate and (poorly) reasoned argument as to why flashing isn’t just acceptable, but desirable:



Joe Duncan

I’ve worked in politics for fourteen years and counting. Editor for Sexography: | The Science of Sex: