The Psychology of Anal Sex

The History and Science of the Forbidden Fruit

Joe Duncan
Published in
9 min readFeb 11, 2019


“Let your belly be full, your clothes clean, your body and head washed; enjoy yourself day and night, dance, sing and have fun; look upon the child who holds your hand, and let your wife delight in your lap! This is the destiny of mortals.”

These words from The Epic of Gilgamesh tell of the sexuality and hedonistic attitudes of the ancient Sumerians who lived in the cradle of civilization, a civilization for whom anal sex was commonplace.

Sex is and always has been a fascinating subject to ponder. Throughout my life, I’ve often found myself mesmerized by the various facets of the expression of love, the many ways with which we show our affection for others, and that we experience such a deep, rich feeling of affection in the first place. Why do we want the things that we want?

When we’re involved of the practice of our sexuality, we don’t tend to look at it with the objective lens that we do when we view it in the abstract, which can sometimes lead to powerful realizations about the nature of one of our most fundamental practices. Sex is hardwired into the very fabric of our being, threaded through us, and it permeates everything we do, which makes it for one very interesting study.



Joe Duncan

I’ve worked in politics for thirteen years and counting. Editor for Sexography: | The Science of Sex: