The Psychology of Cats

Inside the Mind of Your Favorite Pets

Joe Duncan
Published in
8 min readJun 26, 2019


I love my cat. And, I think if you own a cat, chances are pretty good that you love your cat too. While many dog owners question why cat lovers absolutely love their cats, often putting forth a litany of reasons for loving their dogs, many times these same dog lovers — my former self included — miss the fact that cats exhibit the same types of behaviors, like coming to say hi when you get home from a day of work, coming to cuddle with us when we’re feeling down, or thoughtful, or introspective. In short, it wasn’t until I owned a cat that I discovered the magic of having a cat.

Cats engage with their owners just like dogs do, but the way the two main domestic pets interact with their human parents can be quite different. Much like dogs, the personalities of different cats span the gamut, and one cat can be quite different from the next, making one cat crazy and hilarious, and another shy and reserved.

Have you ever wondered what goes on inside of the mind of a cat? What makes them different from dogs and different from us? What makes one cat different from the next? This story seeks to step inside of the minds of cats so we can access a more intimate glance into the minds of our favorite household pets.



Joe Duncan

I’ve worked in politics for fourteen years and counting. Editor for Sexography: | The Science of Sex: