The Toxic Masculinity Litmus Test

Down the Rabbit-Hole of Feminist Thought

Joe Duncan
Published in
8 min readJun 6, 2019


The divide between men and women in the world of civilized society seems to be getting greater and greater with every passing day. I personally believe that this is because of the many impressive and powerful advancements in women’s rights and feminist thought over the past decades, advancements that many men (but not all men!) haven’t been able to keep up with.

While I’d love to tell you that I’d gone to college and studied the best of all of the feminist thinkers for a half-decade, nothing could be further from the truth.

My stories often tell of a feminist perspective, and, while there is no doubting this, I’ve got to say that I’m simply highlighting what I feel are important issues that the people that I care about deal with every single day — nothing more. This perspective just happens to be what I see most often as problematic in the world, which is why Toxic Masculinity comes close to the top of the list of societal grievences I discuss, because it’s a constant in my life and the lives of the other people around me.

The onslaught of anger, the constant aggression, the Jekyll and Hyde persona that women who are friends, lovers, and colleagues of mine face constantly, has become an ubiquitous theme in their lives, and once one woman who…



Joe Duncan

I’ve worked in politics for fourteen years and counting. Editor for Sexography: | The Science of Sex: