There Will Be Times When All You Can Think About, is Them

You will love again

Katie B
2 min readFeb 2, 2021


There will be times when all you can think about is them. About you. About the Us that you created together.

And despite all the hurt, all the pain and all the heartache all you’ll see is the love you shared; the love you created, and the love you lived within.

You’ll remember the small moments — the tingles from your fingertips connecting, the way you so seamlessly locked into each other, the comfort you felt in their scent.

You’ll forget the reasons that broke you.

You’ll forget what broke that Us and reverted you both to I’s, and you’ll question it all.

You’ll question the reality, the depth, the immersion you once felt. You’ll question the closing, the final chapter, the last goodbye. And you’ll focus on the good, and forget the inescapable pain.

But please know, you’re only human for doing so. Because those memories, the laughs, the loves — they’re real. They made you an Us. And your Us, your love, was real.

You both created it, felt it, lived it , loved it — and it took a part of your heart when it ended. The same part that at the beginning ran so eagerly towards it.

So please, be gentle with yourself for remembering. They are real memories that you created when you were so vulnerable with your heart that you gave to another, that you trusted them with, that you felt was safe in their hands.

The Us that you made created those memories, then left them in your heart while it took a piece of it you so tenderly offered up.

You are not wrong for remembering, for reminiscing, for loving. You are not silly, or stupid, or anything other than brave. You gave your heart and allowed it to touch and believe in another in a way so few are.

Please know that you can find this again.

That you can create an Us in another. In a better. That your heart can feel whole again. That this angst, this longing, this loneliness — it will get better.

You will heal. You will find that wholeness in another.

You will trust, again.

You will give, again.

You will love, again.

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Katie B

Re-humanising self discovery, relationships + living a life that’s authentic to you. INFJ / HSP.