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Why Love Must be Inconvenient (and Why it’s Worth It)

Resistance is the Foundation of Every Great Relationship

Joe Duncan
Published in
4 min readOct 19, 2019


The guiding principles of our lives only become meaningful when we adhere to them in times of inconvenience or problems. Our moral character is truly tested upon the backdrop of pressure when the fibers of what we’re made of are put to the ultimate test — in no place is this more relevant than in our personal relationships with others who are significant to us. All love must be unconditional love, otherwise, it is not loving — it’s merely acting upon self-interest and bailing on someone when times get tough. You cannot love without being unconditionally understanding of another’s shortcomings, past history, or current strife; through the quarrels, spats, differences, and indifference, for love to be true, it must remain. Caring about another person was never meant to be easy.

Commitment means allowing yourself to be dependent, and more importantly, allowing others to be dependent upon you. The interplay of dependence is what defines and solidifies our bond. In a relationship, you serve as your partner’s rock, their sanctuary, their safe place where they can come to when the cold, harsh realities of the world have besieged them — you’re their blanket of security in an oftentimes cruel and uncaring world. This needs to take place at all…



Joe Duncan

I’ve worked in politics for fourteen years and counting. Editor for Sexography: | The Science of Sex: