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Writing Your Own Story

I’m Here to Tell My Story and Share My Experience — and You Should Too

Joe Duncan
Published in
4 min readJun 14, 2019


It has been brought to my attention a few times now and I figured I would make this piece to communicate why exactly it is that I write about some of the things that I write about. I’ve decided to clarify a few things for the readers who enjoy my work, so that they may get a clearer picture in their minds of what I’m trying to communicate with them — and why I do what I do.

Some have said that my writing doesn’t reflect their experience or their knowledge about the world, and they may likely do the same to your work. This is how we are often limited, as humans, it’s difficult for us to conceptualize life beyond our own horizons, which is arguably why many of us read. In my view this is both perfectly okay and extremely natural. We all bring different experiences to the table and the point of writing is to communicate our experiences, the experiences of others we’ve come to know initimately, or the shared experience of human beings.

The goal of my work, first and foremost, is to share with you a tiny slice of my little world, one story at a time…and that is the goal of many of us writers, to communicate something so intimately that others resonate with, or to discuss topics of importance and show the world through a new lens…but the lens…



Joe Duncan

I’ve worked in politics for fourteen years and counting. Editor for Sexography: | The Science of Sex: