Image by Anita S. from Pixabay

“You Should Become One of Those Fat-Girl Models”

The Unacceptable Idiocy of the Usual Contemporary Male

Joe Duncan
Published in
6 min readSep 8, 2019


This weekend started off much like most others, a cup of coffee with the wonderful company of my beautiful girlfriend, a bit of music, catching up on the news and checking my monolithic network of notifications when a friend got in touch and notified me that she’d been hit on by, yet again, another tragically inept guy.

“You should become one of those fat-girl models,” he said, in unabashed earnest. It’s as if saying something like this wasn’t a problem at all. For the record, guys, if there’s one way you shouldn’t address a woman you’re interested in, this is probably it. How did the idea of “negging” women hang on for so long? How did it become a staple of our bizarre American diet and the fuel of our failed attempts at intersexual socializing? And, why is it so difficult just to say hey and just be a decent person in today’s world? For the record, there’s nothing morally wrong with being fat, either, but it’s safe to say, and pretty much universally known, that it’s an easy go-to jab for anyone trying to insult a woman. Just like the man who’s as sweet as a glazed donut when he’s trying to win over a woman’s affection, but twists and morphs upon realizing that he’s been rejected, into the hostile and borderline-violent man that he always was…



Joe Duncan

I’ve worked in politics for thirteen years and counting. Editor for Sexography: | The Science of Sex: