Momentum 6 Portfolio Spotlight: Legends of Mitra

Kadeem Clarke
Momentum 6
Published in
9 min readFeb 10, 2022

How is this game made for the target market?

Since there are already have tons of play-to-earn games, we interviewed the LOM team to understand how LOM would be different from the rest and designed for the target market in Africa:

  • Most youth can’t afford to purchase NFTs to start playing games like Axie Infinity. With this game, you get 1 NFT for free, which you can use to start growing from there.
  • Since internet access is limited, finding a way to allow the player to play the game offline then sync with the online database periodically (still working on this idea)
  • Mobile-first approach, starting with Android and iOS
  • When it comes to Guilds, they will have a Guild system built into their web portal. Allowing people with assets to make private or public Guilds and be able to be found by players through the platform
  • Integrating marketplace for designers to create skins and sell them in the game.


Gaming has evolved over the years, and blockchain gaming, with its play-to-earn model, is now the hot trend. We have seen various play-to-earn games launched in the past few years, attracting gamers’ attention. However, most of these games are too expensive for average players to get started.

Gem Studios Games, one of Africa’s first gaming studios and creators of Dragon Fly and Angry Warlord II, created Legends of Mitra (LOM). It’s a multichain strategy game built on the Binance Chain, Cronos, Algorand, Wax, and Klaytn. This free-to-play-to-earn game rewards players with NFTs and MITA tokens depending on their skills and engagement in the game.

LOM’s difference from traditional mobile games is the integration of blockchain technology and economic incentives that reward players for their time, efforts, and contributions to the game. Players also own the in-game asset that they collect for free or buy during the play.

Based on the game’s website, the creators want to make LOM simple to play, and user-friendly as blockchain adoption has not yet reached the critical mass. The whole idea is to enable even those who don’t understand how blockchain works to play and earn NFTs and MITA tokens. Gem Studios seeks to be one of the drivers of blockchain adoption in Africa and tap into the growing mobile gaming market on the continent.

According to Kwasi Kena, CEO of Gem Studios, most of the play-to-learn activities are in Asia and the Western part of the world, and Africa has been left out. The idea of bringing P2E games to Africa will help the market understand cryptocurrencies and blockchain. In Africa, most people associate crypto with illegal activities. He went on to say that the game will be launched in May in many countries like Nigeria, Kenya, Ghana, and South Africa. He also notes that even though Africa is the primary focus, they will explore other markets.

LOM’s Play-to-Earn Model

Legends of Mitra rewards players for their skills, time, and efforts in the game. The player’s Gem Score and the factors we shall explain below are used to measure and calculate the size of the reward:

Raw Score

Players who play the game for at least five minutes are rewarded a new Raw Score of 1000 after 24 hours. A player’s Gem Score is calculated using the new Raw Score.

Gem Score

Your Gem Score represents your reputation within the game. This score checks your daily activeness and how responsible you are in the game. The score calls for the player to play the game daily and encourages them not to cheat.

Every player starts with a Raw Score (Rs) of 1000 and a Gem Score (Gs) of 20. However, the maximum Gem Score that a player can ever get is 85. The following is the formula for calculating Gem Scores:

Gs = ((log10(abs(Rs))*5)+5



  • Rs = Raw Score
  • Abs = returns the absolute value of a number
  • 5 = constant but represents time in minutes

The game has various rewards such as

  • Gem Scores (Gs)
  • Star Points (Sp): total stars earned per game
  • Hero Points (Hp): the rarity and the level of hero you are using


Play-to-earn games are known to include NFTs; LOM is no different. All Resources, Towers, and Heroes are NFTs in this game. However, Heroes have limited drops apart from Doku, which is free upon sign up.

Hero NFTs have various features such as Revive Time, Healing Time, Health, Speed, Power, Damage, Attack Delay, Armor Type, Weapon, Abilities, and Skin.


$MITA, the native token of Legends of Mitra, will be a cross-chain asset initially available on BSC, Algorand, Cronos, and Klaytn. The supply is capped at 200,000,000 tokens. The tokens will be distributed as follows:

  • 25% goes to play-to-earn rewards, to be released in Q2.
  • 15% goes to team members.
  • 12.5% for seed capital.
  • 12.5% goes to staking and liquidity.
  • 10% is private.
  • 5% goes to marketing and partnerships, released in Q2.
  • 2.5% goes to the ecosystem, to be released in Q4.
  • 2.5% goes public.
  • 2.5% goes to advisors.


Focus for the next 6 to 12 months

The Legends of Mitra team has a lot planned for the next 6 to 12 months. The first thing is the token generation event and Listing on Feb 21. The game will then be ready for Beta testing, with the main aim being to see how the community engages with the game. The development team will also launch a bridge to move assets across Binance Chain, Klaytn, Algorand, and Cronos. The team also intends to create a skin marketplace and a built-in Guild infrastructure. Expect new levels and achievements to be added continuously with time.

The Game

Crimson Fell

It is a typical moorland filled with crimson-colored flora. Some of these florae are poisonous, making the Fell a dangerous place to transverse.

The Curse of the Crimson Fell

The Curse of the Crimson Fell is a deadly plague that befalls humans every five years. The plague is strong such that those afflicted waste away, becoming vulnerable and fragile. They eventually starve to death as they are unable to absorb nutrients. The bad news is that the cause of the curse is not known, neither is the cure. Scholars from various Kingdoms found that the curse started in Crimson Fell and spread to other regions.

The Exotír Empire

The Exotír Empire is an empire of monsters. Most of the empire is free of structures. However, some areas have structures that house and protect these monsters.


Exoteros doubles as the emperor of both the Oblivion Horde and the Exotírian Empire. He is an intelligent emperor that has already adopted civilization. His wish is to conquer the world have all monsters under him.

Exoteros’ Keep

Exoteros’ Keep is a highly-guarded Keep at the center of Exotír. It is the defensive base of operations for Exoteros.

The Oblivion Horde

The Oblivion Horde is an endless horde of monsters who have conquered most of the planet. The Horde was initially believed to be the cause of the Curse of Crimson Fell until Ólachthíz was discovered.

The Mausoleum of Crimson Fell

The Mausoleum of Crimson Fell is a big but well-hidden tomb where her fellow gods have sealed goddess Ólachthíz. There are Divine Guardians tasked with protecting the mausoleum.


She is a fallen goddess. In the past, she was moved by human emotions and desire concepts. It was not an issue with the gods and goddesses, but she was stripped of her powers and sealed in the Catacombs of Crimson Fell when she sinned. The seal was meant to repress her powers. As years passed, she discovered that she could amass back her powers. Her time in the tomb made her spiteful and cursed humanity, who she had once adored, with a vile plague.

Ólachthíz’s Children

These are creatures that Ólachthíz creates periodically. Their primary purpose is to provide companionship but also formidable in battle.

Divine Guardians

These are beings created by goddesses and gods to protect Mitra and its people. Even though they are not as powerful as gods and goddesses, they protect the people.


Mitra, your Kingdom has been under the Curse of Crimson Fell. The monstrous Oblivion Horde knew the right time to attack and destroy anything it could find. You, your family, and the Royal guard were forced to flee. Survivors from across the Kingdom also sought shelter to escape the wrath of Oblivion Horde.

Your scouts locate an isolated land that would provide shelter. The subjects heal, and you build a small village. After some time, Oblivion Horde discovers this small village and strikes again. Luckily, you have your troops ready to deal with the attack and drive it away from the Kingdom.

Your village grows to city stature over time, and you even fortify the city walls. The Kingdom prospers, and you send scouts to unearth the Curse of Crimson Fell and the secrets of Oblivion Horde. Your spymaster one day comes with disturbing details; the Exotírian Empire, your neighbors, had been amassing arms secretly, and they were planning to attack their allies and neighbors and subjugate all.

After you instruct your warriors to prepare for war, you hit the Exotírian Empire and bring an end to its tyranny. Because Emperor Exoteros is an exceptional opponent and a great strategizer, the war will be very costly and lengthy. He gathers many powerful and fierce creatures such as tarrasques, minotaurs, and wyverns, along with some of your royal warriors who succumbed. Although Mitra is victorious, it is left weak. It takes time before your Kingdom can get back on its feet.

The bad news is that the Curse of Crimson Fell is still looming. You decide that enough is enough before its effects bring your Kingdom to its deathbed, so you will pick your best soldiers and travel to Crimson Fell to seek out the source of the curse. The scouting party you send forward comes across a small, peculiar mausoleum.

Ólachthíz’s Children attack you upon entering the mausoleum, but your strong army is up to the task. After preparations, you start exploring the mausoleum. One of your keen-eyed men come across a hidden passage, and a battle ensues as you force through and find yourself on the Catacombs of Crimson Fell. Before you familiarize yourself with the space, Ólachthíz’s Children attack again.

In Catacomb’s darkest depths, you finally come across Ólachthíz’s. She narrates how humans have mistreated her, and she will continue cursing them unless she is freed. You have two choices:

  • Engage her in a battle and come out victorious, leading to the curse ceasing to plague humanity.
  • You offer to help her. Ólachthíz tells you where the seal is located and provides all her power to aid you. she finally blesses your warriors’ weapons and even sends her children to fight alongside you. When you finally locate the seal, lesser spirits are summoned by a divine guardian. With Ólachthíz’s Children, you defeat the guardian and break the seal, free Ólachthíz, and restore her original glory. She thanks you and apologizes for the wrath that had befallen your Kingdom. She promises to look over the world and requests that she be visited from time to time.

Wrapping up

Blockchain gaming with its play-to-earn model has been a hot topic for the last two years. However, some existing games have a high barrier to entry with the cost of NFTs. The fact that Legends of Mitra promises to break this barrier is something worth looking at.

Have an early-stage blockchain startup or even an idea for one without a team? Momentum 6 is an early-stage fund focused primarily on decentralized finance, Web 3.0, gaming and metaverse, and NFTs.

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Kadeem Clarke
Momentum 6

Growth Lead @ dlcBTC | Crypto Writer | Web 3 Investor | Car Enthusiast