Feeding Twin Pre-Toddlers

The Complete How-To Guide

Gwenna Laithland
Momma Cusses


Image by yalehealth from Pixabay
  • Warm up pre-packed food from popular baby company for your 10-month-old twins.
  • Set up the high chairs in the dining room. Realize you failed to wipe down the high chairs from the last meal.
  • Debate not bothering because really, they are just going to get messy again. Pick up 1st child.
  • Decide you are not living in a barn despite visual and aromatic evidence and should wipe down high chairs.
  • Put 1st child down starting epic meltdown because it has been 2 whole hours since food. They are starving. And dying. Loudly. Wipe down high chairs.
  • Pick up 1st child starting epic meltdown of 2nd child because it was their turn to be picked up. Probably. They don’t have words yet. They just cry about everything.
  • Attempt to fold 1st child who has suddenly become stiffer than a board into high chair. This will take approximately three days.
  • Buckle 1st child who has suddenly become a wacky waving arm inflatable tube hell beast into high chair. This will take approximately four days.
  • Pick up 2nd child and repeat folding and buckling steps.
  • Grab food and open it. Briefly wonder if the reddish, chunky slime labeled ravioli is, in fact, food before…

