Learn How to Delay the Onset of ALS with These Foods

Mommy Tales
Mommy Tips
Published in
3 min readOct 31, 2018

ALS is a devastating degenerating illness that generally develops between the ages of 40 to 70. As per new medical reports, foods that contain specific colorful carotenoids such as lutein and beta-carotene may delay or prevent the beginning of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

Although there is much other medical research that shows many food items that reduce the ALS risk.

However, there are some food components including the Bihari Recipes that might obstruct the rise of ALS.

Whole Grains

Just like every other part of the human body, the brain cannot function without energy. The brain’s capability to concentrate and keep the focus intact comes from an adequate and constant supply of energy through the glucose present in the blood. You can achieve this by choosing whole grains that have a low-GI, as they are known for releasing glucose into the bloodstream. This results in enhanced mental alertness throughout the day. Whole grains are mostly found in pasta, granary bread, cereals, and other Indian healthy breakfast recipes.

Image Courtesy: OneWholesomeMeal

Oily Fishes

Omega-3 fats are often related to the prevention of ALS. While this remains under deep-rooted research yet, omega-3 fats can help you to manage stress and keep your mood positive through serotonin. But, omega-3 fats fall under the category of EFA (Essential fatty acids), which the body cannot secrete by itself, which means they must be achieved through diet. Oily fish like mackerel, salmon and trout are common sources of EFAs, as well as, active DHA. In addition, these fats play a critical role in healthy brain function, joints, the heart and general well-being.


A study suggests that the consumption of blueberries can have significant effects on the memory, especially helps in improving or delaying the arrival of short-term memory loss and ALS. They are easily available in the market, though you can also look for dark red and purple fruits that contain same protective ingredients called anthocyanins.


There is good evidence that reveals that the intake of tomatoes can provide defense against radical damage to cells that happens with the development of dementia. Tomatoes contain a powerful antioxidant named lycopene that optimizes absorption and efficacy. These are also a regular ingredient in cooking Bihari recipes to add aroma and taste.

Pumpkin Seeds

Compared to numerous seeds, pumpkin seeds are rich in zinc, which is one of the most valuable minerals for the betterment of thinking and memory skills. On top of that, these tiny seeds also offer magnesium, which is a stress-buster. But, the main prize of consuming these small seeds is that they are a precursor of serotonin.


A great source of vitamin K, Broccoli, can boost cognitive function and enhance brainpower. There are some medical researchers that even suggest that broccoli contain glucosinolates, which slows down the breakdown of neurotransmitter, particularly acetylcholine, which is extremely important for the proper functioning of the central nervous system.

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis or ALS is the secondary concern for medical professionals around the world. However, the aforementioned foods along with the Indian healthy breakfast recipes have dietary nutrients that can have a positive and effective impact on ALS.



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