Looking for Weight Loss Programs?

Here’s Why Bariatric Surgeries Make an Ideal Choice

Mommy Tales
Mommy Tips
3 min readDec 28, 2018


Owing to the sedentary lifestyle that mankind have opted for, there are many people around the world suffering with obesity-related health problems. Once detected with obesity, it can cause a number of other diseases like high blood pressure, heart ailments etc. There are different ways to counter obesity such as opting for the best Indian vegan food, however, it requires pairing with modern-day techniques such as bariatric surgery often. If you are in a dilemma that whether it is a good choice or not, here are some reasons which may convince you in its favor.

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When Nothing Else is Working

When patients gain a certain amount of weight, which is considered too much in relation to the person’s body and height frame, nothing seems to work. After one reaches this point, measures like dieting, exercising, homeopathic medicines, acupuncture, consulting a psychologist, or a nutritionist etc. does not yield any results.

At this stage, obesity surgery remains the only option for the patient. However, the patient must keep in mind that having this surgery will bring some perpetual transition in their lives. The patients need to follow some rules by opting for a post-surgery diet those including veg recipes of India to experience the best of results.

It Has Long-lasting Results

Weight loss surgery has much more long-lasting benefits when compared to other measures. It has been seen that people who have been a prey to obesity for a really long time, typically gain the weight they have managed to lose within a few days. This happens because the body starts to defend itself against weight loss by remarkably minimizing the metabolism rate.

Whereas, in case of the surgery, the digestive tracts of the body is changed. Hence, the above-mentioned effect is not seen in patients who choose to go for the surgery. In a study in which patients who had the surgery were studied for almost 25 years, it was seen that they were much better life and had better physical, as well as, mental health compared to patients who did not go for the surgery. All you need to do is maintaining a routine exercise regime and balanced diet that is decked with the best Indian vegan food.

It Has Some Great Benefits

The main reason to go for the surgery is that of its amazing results. It has been proven that having the surgery cures or at least exempts chronic retrogressive ailments like high blood pressure or type 2 diabetes, osteoarthritis, cardiovascular diseases etc. While it does not always cure the diseases, but when followed up with a healthy lifestyle and eating habits such as the veg recipes of India, it definitely helps to control the diseases.

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The surgery also adds some years to life. Studies show that in 90% of cases it decreases mortality and improves the quality of life in almost 95% of the cases.

While obesity surgery is definitely one of the best ways to deal with obesity, one has to keep in mind that it is not a magic tool. It will only give you best results when followed up with a healthy lifestyle dedicatedly.



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