Streamline the Sleeping Process of Your Baby: 3 Simple Steps

Mommy Tales
Mommy Tips
Published in
3 min readJul 29, 2018

Watching your baby sleeping will make your heart swell with love after all, babies look adorably sweet and innocent while sleeping. Speaking of which, getting your baby to sleep peacefully is probably one of the most challenging tasks mothers have to face. As a new mother, you might find the situation entirely different and difficult to deal with and your heart might race due to the uneasy feeling of not being able to get her to sleep all night.

To make things easier for you, here is a write-up that will help ease your stress and guide you to prepare the sleep schedule of your baby by acknowledging the parts of her sleep routine that you can manually handle and those you cannot.

Understand the Sleeping Needs of Your Baby

During the first two months, the entire attention of your parenting should be on creating a staunch eating schedule for your newborn, which is more important than anything. In case you are breastfeeding, she may consume two hours for it, which makes it critical to choose a newborn baby carrier that will ease things for you. Not only will it allow seamless feeding to your child, but it will also help you in getting your little one to sleep peacefully. When it comes to understanding the sleeping pattern of your baby, one thing you need to acknowledge is that your baby’s sleeping schedule can vary from 10 to 18 hours a day, which can get limited to 4 hours some days.

Also, when your baby finds herself alone in the bed, she might start crying and remain awake just to keep you around. This issue can be easily handled if you consider adorning a baby wearing shirt that will keep your baby close to you and she can sleep peacefully knowing her mother is close.

Form a Bedtime Routine

As per studies, it was found that infants who were compliant to a nightly bedtime routine were able to sleep much peacefully and their mothers could also sleep better, thanks to the less crying in the middle of the night. It entirely depends on you when you want to fix and work on the bedtime routine, but make sure that the schedule is fueled by a combination of routine bedtime activities.

Critical Attributes to Include in the Routine

  • Playing a range of active and quiet games to make your baby took excited prior to the bedtime and then getting her tired to ensure a sound sleep. While playing the active games, you can carry your baby in the newborn baby carrier, which will help you in keeping your baby close to you.
  • Make sure the activities are patterned in the same order each night.
  • Understanding your baby’s favorite activity and keeping it for the last which will help her look forward to associating the activity with her sleeping schedule.


Finally, put your sleepy and tired baby to the bed before soothing her till she is drowsy. You will need nothing more than a baby wearing shirt to help her sleep every time she gets awake in the middle of the night. This routine will help you and your baby to nurture a well-maintained sleeping schedule right from the infantry days.



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