It’s Facebook’s Fault

Here Is Angie
2 min readJun 19, 2016

(Originally posted 2/19/2016)

I was going to blog tonight. It was going to be a really good one too. But I made the mistake and went on Facebook first and got lost and looked at other people’s lives, watched a few videos, liked some stuff and made some comments. Now, it’s an hour later from when I sat down with full intention to write a very sweet, uplifting and funny blog about my day with my son, and now I’m too tired to write what I wanted to. My mind is mush and truth be told, I lost the flow of it all. I’m annoyed with myself. Nothing got done, like the dishes in the sink or laundry to be folded either. Though, I’m not too upset about that. That can wait, it usually does. But the not blogging is a bummer to me. Maybe, I’ll get the inspiration back another night to share what I wanted.

Before I blogged, it was the norm to just chill out on the computer or watch a TV show after my son fell asleep. But one of the reasons I wanted to blog was so I wouldn’t be so zoned out and I wanted to get my creative juices going again! I ‘ve learned a valuable lesson. Since I’m new to blogging it’s good to know that I only have a short window at the end of the day before my mind turns to mush. Or maybe the lesson is, social media surfing will turn my mind to mush! Either way, lesson learned. Also, I don’t always have to write at night. I’ll figure it all out and get in the swing of it.

I am sorry. So, all you get tonight is this bit of advice… Do what you need to do or want to before going on Facebook. I’m sure Mark Zuckerberg is somewhere feeling happy about this. But then he’s a dad now and won’t have as much time for Facebook or other things either. Who am I kidding? He has a staff. Wait, am I feeling another post brewing about this? No. Too tired and don’t care enough about Mr. Z’s life. I have enough to deal with in my own life. Like wasting time on Facebook instead of writing about the awesomeness of my son being a ninja today.

Now, my bed is calling for me. Sleep awaits and I have dreams to dream. Looking forward to the weekend. Good night.



Here Is Angie

Parent educator of TEACH Through Love. Founder Adoptive Parents Support Group. Homeschools son. Grateful. Swell sense of humor. Owner