Quick catch-up

Pam Baroro
Mompreneur Journey
Published in
4 min readJun 22, 2019

Wow. It has been a loooong time since I wrote here. I feel like Medium could become my diary of sorts — so here I am again.

The partner and kiddos just left to bring the daughter to her weekend piano lessons and decided to tag along the little boy, so here I am with the house all to myself in the next hour or so.

I’m actually scared to be alone, to be left alone with my thoughts.

June has not been a very good month for me business- and thus money-wise. I think I am finally experiencing what many freelancers and business owners call the summer slump, being that most of my clients are in the Northern Hemisphere.

Add that to the fact that we made a huge investment the month prior — paying off our credit card #2 (out of 3) didn’t feel like much of a win.

The turn of events has certainly brought my spirits down, and I feel like there is no way out of it. I had to make a few personal loans here and there (partner doesn’t know; and I hate to lie but I also didn’t want him to worry) — just to make sure a few important bills get paid.

So here’s where I currently sit when it comes to the business’s income growth:

I’ve lowered the goal income a bit (to make it easier more realistic and achievable but also to make the progress a little clearer on the graph).

As in all entrepreneurial journeys, income continues to go have its highs and lows but I’m still thankful that I continue to make more than $1,000 a month. Now to make that above $3,000 a month consistently…

And yes, my expenses are pretty high. Last year, I was at 70–80% profits but right now, it’s a little below 50%. This year, I decided to make the huge leap to register as a sole proprietor with one employee (the partner), which he is also against because of the money required to run a business. I decided to bite the bullet anyway.

And bite the bullet, I did. My accountant just told me I have to prepare to pay around Php20,000 upwards for second quarter’s taxes. How I will find that amount right now feels impossible but I know I will find a way out of this hole.

So now…I’m just really writing to get everything out of my head, and to hopefully figure out a clearer and more doable action plan to reach ALL OF MY GOALS. If that’s possible anyway. Haha! I still love making IMPOSSIBLE goals even if it broke my heart.

July’s money goals:

Pay off the following:

  • My mom: Php37,500
  • Jan: Php7,500 (including June’s payment for Dubsado and VA Leads)
  • JR: Php5,500 (money she left me)
  • Mortgage: Php15,000 + Php20,000* (to get the balance below a million)
  • Condo: Php17,000 (including maintaining balance for bank account)
  • Refund: Php15,000
  • Insurance: Php10,000
  • Book: Php11,000 (last payment for Asha’s educational materials)
  • Partner’s mom: Php5,000 (for June and July)
  • Utilities: Php8,600
  • Government bills: Php11,430
  • Security Bank: Php50,000*
  • Credit card #3: Php30,000*

That’s a total of Php143,530. Include the nice-to-achieve goals* and I just need to add Php100,000 more. Wow. Haha!

Oh, did I mention that we want to go out of town to celebrate our little boy’s second birthday? Bring in Php10,000 more! :)

…and of course, our groceries! Whew.

July’s action plans:

I feel like the slow month is really a sign to get me to diversify my income, so here is the plan:

Focus on 1 site for content marketing. I’m still deciding whether it’s the travel destination niche or the money-making niche, but I think the latter will bring in more cash flow faster.

Regardless, the flow will be:

  • come up with a lead magnet to build email list
  • create 5–10 different posts (mixture of reviews, affiliates, how-to, listicles) based on lead magnet
  • use Pinterest and SEO for marketing
  • later, link to my upcoming course or brainstorm a new one (could just be an ebook or mini course for now, too)

Add in more content to my portfolio site. I’m preselling my course on becoming a virtual assistant (I think I will have to tweak the messaging) so I need to focus on marketing it. I’m having yet another idea in mind related to sales funnels, but I’m doing my best to keep at just one project at a time.

Basically, the flow will be the same as the one above.

Focus on 5 clients or less. I have several contracts on Upwork right now but only two or active. I also have an upcoming contract in July and hopefully, another client I’m eyeing at will renew. That should be enough to bring my income to $2000.

Later plans:

And, of course, a brain dump of all my soon plans:

  • Create one site I can sell in three months (most likely in the personal finance or money-making niche)
  • Create one Amazon niche site (probably in the baby item department)
  • Explore dropshipping
  • Explore real estate and insurance
  • Make VA course + membership site passive and evergreen; create sales funnel course
  • Save money for BEEP and Powerfill investments (Php750,000)
  • Save money for pickup truck (Php 300,000)
  • Go to Camiguin in November
  • Get/renew passport in August

I think that’s it for now or else this list will never end! Haha.



Pam Baroro
Mompreneur Journey

I‘m an online business manager, specializing in providing content and tech support to overwhelmed coaches, bloggers and solopreneurs.