Claire Lynch: “Don’t Be Afraid of Those Little Snippets of Time”

Those tiny germs expand into the good stuff when you have more time

The Editors
Moms Don’t Have Time to Write
1 min readMay 9, 2022


Wake Up and Write is an advice column from Moms Don’t Have Time to Write. Today, we have Claire Lynch — professor and author of the debut memoir, Small— who shared writing advice on the podcast Moms Don’t Have Time to Read Books, hosted by Zibby Owens.

“Don’t be afraid of those little snippets of time.”

“Sorry to be so on-brand for your podcast. I think that idea that you have to have the writer’s retreat or the long stretches of time and the exact right headspace, maybe that happens for some people, but I think, for the most part, everyone’s just squeezing it in here and there. I don’t think you have to assume that means poor quality.

I think we can get those tiny germs that then expand into the good stuff when you have got a bit more time. I’d say the notes app on your phone is your friend.”



The Editors
Moms Don’t Have Time to Write

News, interviews, advice, and commentary curated by the editors of Moms Don’t Have Time to Write.