I Didn’t Want to Do Yoga Every Day Until I Was Doing Yoga Every Day

3 simple steps to build a routine

Trish Di Stefano
Moms Don’t Have Time to Write



I haven’t always been a yoga-every-damn-day person. In fact, I spent a lot of time rolling my eyes at those who were. But I was also secretly jealous of their discipline. I never thought I could commit to a daily exercise practice of any kind, until I made a handful of small changes. Suddenly, I woke to find that a yoga-every-damn-day person was exactly who I’d become.

It wasn’t particularly difficult. It didn’t require the kind of unrelenting discipline I feared I was incapable of. It became a part of my routine — something I actually looked forward to. The changes I made really were minute. I kept it simple and gave myself three things to focus on: simplify the commitment, make it easy to start, and—most importantly— start.

I didn’t need a yoga studio. I didn’t need to squeeze myself into tiny yoga pants. I didn’t need to get up an hour earlier than usual, or even twenty minutes earlier. I didn’t need to wake up in a good mood, or have any energy at all. I just needed to sit down on my mat after stumbling out of bed, and commit to five minutes. I didn’t need to do anything beyond sitting. After all, seated poses constituted yoga.



Trish Di Stefano
Moms Don’t Have Time to Write

Trish Di Stefano is an idealist, recovering perfectionist and weekend glutton.