The Footnote with Julie Chavez

An index revealing all the minute details of how your favorite authors work

The Editors
Moms Don’t Have Time to Write
3 min readOct 15, 2021


Julie’s dining room table, sitting under her anniversary gift: a Gray Malin photograph

The Footnote is a brand-new column from Moms Don’t Have Time to Write in which prominent writers give us the lowdown on their work habits — no matter how messy or mundane.

This week’s installment features Zibby Books author Julie Chavez, who currently works as a school librarian and writes about mothering and modern womanhood at She has previously written for Moms Don’t Have Time to Write and her forthcoming memoir, The Anxiety Library, chronicles her struggles from A to Z on managing motherhood, work, and mental health.

Learn more about Zibby Books here!

Early riser or night owl?

Early riser!

Writing on an empty stomach or a full breakfast before you sit down at the desk?

Full breakfast. I’m a miserable person when hungry.

Long-hand or computer?

Computer, though I jot notes and outlines long-hand.

Silence is golden or music for inspiration?

Silence. Occasionally I’ll put on my headphones without music for extra quiet, especially if my children insist on trying to speak to me.

Favorite magazine/literary journal?

Good Housekeeping. Love their book recommendations and I also appreciate a handy cleaning tip.

If you weren’t a writer, what would you be?

I’d stick with librarian!

If you could be any other author, who would you be? Why?

I’d love to write like Taylor Jenkins Reid. Her writing is elevated but never laborious, and her characters are so well-written. I devour her books.

How many cups of coffee or tea per day?

One to two cups of English Breakfast tea in the morning and an afternoon double espresso.

Favorite snack/meal while writing?

A big cup of tea with a splash of milk.

Trick for avoiding writer’s block?

I try to remember that editing is where the magic happens. It takes the pressure off the first draft and helps me write without overthinking every word.

Last charge you’ll admit to on your credit card?

From Paper + Craft Pantry, a stationery store in Austin, Texas. I bought Japanese pens for a new author friend, and thank you notes for me. I love snail mail.

Book you’ve pretended to have read but haven’t?

Jane Eyre.

Word you always misspell?


Go-to outfit for a day of writing at home?

Shorts or joggers and a comfy t-shirt.

Edits: love or hate doing them?

Love them! I love seeing the focus sharpen.

Largest number of rejections you’ve gotten for a book or essay before it was sold?


Number of unsold manuscripts in a drawer?


Career goal you still haven’t hit?

Headmistress of Hogwarts.

Places on your travel wishlist?

Italy, the south of France, and Hogwarts.

Number of times you check your word count when writing?

A zillion. It soothes my inner perfectionist.

Where do you get your news?

New York Times, Washington Post, Katie Couric’s Wake-Up Call. I follow the New York Post on Instagram and very much enjoyed a recent story about a man who called 911 to complain about his relatives.

Favorite place to write?

My dining room table, sitting under the Gray Malin photograph my husband gave me as an anniversary gift, people buzzing in and out. I’m always saying I want peace and quiet but I also secretly love writing as life happens around me.

Last book you couldn’t put down?

Mary Jane by Jessica Anya Blau. It was sweet and funny and perfectly paced.

Someone whose book recommendations you respect?

Sherri Puzey — she’s on Instagram @whatsherrireads. I nearly always agree with her!

I hope no one finds out that….

When I’m hiking, I often find myself thinking, “This would be a great place to hide a body.”

My secret dream is to….

Be a backup dancer. This would also qualify as the secret nightmare of my teenage sons.

Most useless skill I have is….

An encyclopedic knowledge of 80s and 90s song lyrics. But I often annoy my husband by enthusiastically singing along to obscure tunes on the radio, so it’s not entirely useless.



The Editors
Moms Don’t Have Time to Write

News, interviews, advice, and commentary curated by the editors of Moms Don’t Have Time to Write.