When Burnout Robs You of Your Writing

You’ve created value in the past and you will do it again in the future

Cali Bird
Moms Don’t Have Time to Write
5 min readMar 24, 2021


Hustle, hustle, hustle. Make use of every spare minute. Have your laptop on the kitchen counter so you can type a sentence or two in between making lunch and attending to the baby.

This is all incredibly admirable. I’m in awe of mothers who manage to write in these circumstances. But what happens when your brain can’t handle any more activity being crammed into the narrow windows of time?

What happens when you glaze over researching yet another podcast to see if it’s suitable for book marketing?

What happens when you sit and stare at your computer screen so mentally drained that no new information can be absorbed?

What happens when your creative output is stanched?

The burnout point

By day I work as a software testing consultant. But I also blog about creativity. Last year I published my first novel. To top it all off, I have been caring for my aging parents.

The usual schedule for my creative practice was to write in the mornings, before the rest of the day got in the way. Prior to the pandemic, that meant writing on a packed commuter train, where there was barely enough…



Cali Bird
Moms Don’t Have Time to Write

Realistic advice on being creative alongside your busy life. www.gentlecreative.com. I write novels too. Need romantic escapism? Check out www.calibird.com