Your Story and Your Life Are Worth Hearing About

Most extraordinary authors put their ordinary experiences on paper

The Editors
Moms Don’t Have Time to Write


Wake Up and Write is a regular advice column from Moms Don’t Have Time to Write. Today, we have Luvvie Ajayi Jones — activist, speaker, and the award-winning author of I’m Judging You: The Do-Better Manual, and Professional Troublemaker: The Fear-Fighter Manual — who shared writing advice on the podcast Moms Don’t Have Time to Read Books, hosted by Zibby Owens.

“Write. Start writing now.”

“Authors are writers first. Before you can say you’re an author, you have to say you’re a writer. Start writing. Put your story on paper.

If you don’t think your story is extraordinary, I need you to understand that most people who write stories aren’t extraordinary people. They happen to just put their ordinary experiences on paper. Somebody will connect to it. Write it down. Your story, your life is worth hearing about.”

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The Editors
Moms Don’t Have Time to Write

News, interviews, advice, and commentary curated by the editors of Moms Don’t Have Time to Write.