The Footnote

Zibby Owens Shares Her Trick for Avoiding Writer’s Block

An index revealing all the minute details of how your favorite authors work

The Editors
Moms Don’t Have Time to Write


The Footnote is a column from Moms Don’t Have Time to Write in which prominent writers give us the lowdown on their work habits — no matter how messy or mundane.

This week’s installment features Zibby Owens herself!! We’re celebrating the pub week of Zibby’s new anthology, Moms Don’t Have Time to Have Kids, with a sneak peek into our fearless leader’s inner workings.

Early riser or night owl?

Early riser.

Writing on an empty stomach or a full breakfast before you sit down at the desk?

Coffee only!

Long-hand or computer?


Silence is golden or music for inspiration?

What’s silence?! I have four kids!

Favorite magazine/literary journal?

Architectural Digest.

Avoid or devour reviews of your own work?


Frequency of checking Amazon ranking?

A lot during pub week. Then I forget about it.

If you weren’t a writer, what would you be?

A psychologist.

If you could be any other author, who would you be? Why?

Anna Quindlen. Because at this point in her career she can do anything she wants and everyone loves her.

How many cups of coffee or tea per day?

Three cups of coffee. And lots of chocolate.

Favorite snack/meal while writing?

Skinny Pop.

Trick for avoiding writer’s block?

Writing in bold at the top of the blank page: NO ONE WILL SEE THIS BUT YOU.

Last charge you’ll admit to on your credit card?

Many “go bags” on Preppi in case of emergency. I have anxiety. If you couldn’t tell.

Book you’ve pretended to have read but haven’t?

Ha! The Underground Railroad. But I really want to!!!

Word you always misspell?


Go-to outfit for a day of writing at home?

Sweatpants and an oversized sweater.

Edits: love or hate doing them?


Largest number of rejections you’ve gotten for a book or essay before it was sold?

Maybe 20?

Number of unsold manuscripts in a drawer?

About 5.

Career goal you still haven’t hit?

Bestseller list.

Places on your travel wishlist?


Number of times you check your word count when writing?


Where do you get your news?

Actual, physical newspapers, sometimes a few days late.

Favorite place to write?

In bed.

Last book you couldn’t put down?

Wednesdays at One by Sandra Miller which we just acquired for Zibby Books.

Someone whose book recommendations you respect?

My old friend, Isabelle Krishana.

I hope no one finds out that….

My body has turned to mush!

My secret dream is to….

Live forever but stay this age, healthy and strong, but still have my kids continue to grow up.

Most useless skill I have is….




The Editors
Moms Don’t Have Time to Write

News, interviews, advice, and commentary curated by the editors of Moms Don’t Have Time to Write.