Artificial Intelligence in My Fallen World

Julie Daniel Davis
Mom’s Mumblings
Published in
2 min readFeb 3, 2023

Does the artificial intelligence algorithm that is controlling what you watch, read, and do have you stressed out? Mine sometimes does. I have been doing so much research on ChatGPT lately that I feel overwhelmed by the future and how artificial intelligence *could* change the world. The more you click on articles on certain subjects, the more you fall into a rabbit hole that feels like there is no return.

We laughed tonight at our house because I picked a really terrible movie to watch. Most of the time that is Kent’s job. We don’t let him pick movies from his Prime or Netflix user profiles because we are convinced the algorithms think he loves terrible movies. I laughed tonight and told him he was off the hook, I started a trend.

Take a moment and think about the advertisements, the movies, and the fashions showing up when you are on the internet. What would it tell me about you? If you step back and think critically about what content you are consuming, what’s influencing you? Do you want it to? Kent’s tired of seeing a certain subject matter in his feeds and tonight he said, “if you get weird links from me in the next few days, it’s just because I’m trying to change my algorithms.” I laughed and said, “well thanks for sending the clickbait of random stuff my way!”

Tonight was a good reminder that we are all being influenced subtly in our lives by artificial intelligence. Most of the time it feels like it adds efficiencies to our lives- predictive typing in texts, ”if you watched x, you’ll probably like these movies,” a reminder to return an email after a few days. But sometimes, it’s irksome and you realize just how controlling it can be, like today when I was trying to type “ill” but autocorrect wanted with all its power for the word to be “I’ll.”

God, give us eyes to see how our choices bias us. Remind us of the value of free will and self-thinking. Let my thoughts be varied enough that I won’t be swayed into a pattern of belief that is untrue or unkind. We live in a world of Satan’s constant manipulation. Help me to put safeguards up to protect myself from myself.



Julie Daniel Davis
Mom’s Mumblings

I write my thoughts in order to deal with them fully. From education topics to spiritual growth...and who knows what's next?