Becoming Tate’s Prayer Warrior

Julie Daniel Davis
Mom’s Mumblings
Published in
5 min readNov 19, 2020
Granna’s Prayers for Tate

I’ve been a Granna for 6 1/2 weeks now. I’ve had the privilege to keep my new grandson while my daughter works a few times already. I look at him and I see his mother’s nose, which is also my nose. This caught me by surprise- to see myself in my grandson. As a mother of adult children, I’ve gone through those steps of seeing the physical attributes of myself in my girls. I’ve also seen my personality and emotions in my children. I remember telling someone one time that I knew I had some good traits but the ones that stand out in my children are the ones I wish I hadn’t passed on! Maybe that’s because we self-examine our faults with a magnifying glass, while we gloss over our strengths as “expected” and don’t give them the proper due.

Tate and Granna

With grandchildren, I feel no matter how well or how poorly you raised your own child you have an innate knowledge and better understanding of what you hope for the grandchild and the next generation. The week before Tate was born, I started writing down bible verses in a collection to pray for him and over him. These verses are bound together with a ring with his name on the front and I pick it up occasionally and flip through it and pray. Sometimes I am even more intentional about setting time aside to pray these verses over him. I want to be Tate’s prayer warrior and to lead him to the love of God. Whether it is me specifically that does that or someone else, it matters not. I just want to do my part in showing him the abundant life of joy and fulfillment that can be found in Christ alone. I want him to be able to stand firm as a human in places where I haven’t. I want my life to be a testimony to God’s goodness and grace for him. I want so much for Tate, but more than anything else in the world, I want him to know Jesus.

My prayer book does not contain all original prayers shaped from bible verses but many choices are ones I found online created by others. Obviously, I am not the first person that has felt led to pray over children and I believe it is God’s will that I won’t be the last! The following are the verses that I pray over Tate at this point, but there is room left in my “Tate book” to add more as I see his emotions and personality develop:

  • I praise you, God, for you have big plans for TATE. Lord, I pray you would bring forth the gifts you have placed within him. Deposit hope in his heart that he may know you love him. Jeremiah 29:11
  • Lord, give TATE a sense of justice to stand up for what is right and defend the weak. Isaiah 1:17
  • Lord, I pray for your blessings on TATE’s life. Numbers 6:24–26
  • Lord, I pray that you give TATE the strength to do what he needs to do each day. Philippians 4:13
  • Dear God, I pray that TATE rejoices always. I believe he will grow into a mighty prayer warrior, praying always with a thankful heart. 1 Thessalonians 5:16–18
  • Lord, I pray TATE would believe in you with a devoted heart. Psalm 145:1
  • Lord, I pray TATE’s mind would be protected from evil. Proverbs 4:23
  • God, I pray TATE would be humble, often thinking of others first. I pray he is confident in who you have created him to be. May he look out for the interest of others, showing compassion and kindness. Philippians 2:3–4
  • Lord, I pray TATE would love you with all his heart, soul, and mind. Matthew 22:37
  • Lord, I ask that TATE’s heart will be calm and peaceful as he goes through his day and sleeps at night. Philippians 4:6
  • Lord, I pray TATE would grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Make your name known to him. Peter 3:18
  • Lord, let TATE show compassion on those in need who have less than he does. Ephesians 4:32
  • Thank you, God, that you have not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of sound mind. I pray TATE walks in power, love and with a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7
  • Lord, I pray TATE will be brave as he faces the challenges before him. Joshua 1:9
  • Lord, I pray in thankfulness for TATE. 1 Samuel 1:27
  • Lord, fill TATE with the kind of joy that can only come from you. Psalm 16:11
  • Lord, I pray TATE would listen to your still small voice. John 10:27–28
  • Lord, I pray TATE would have compassion for others. Romans 12:10
  • Lord, I pray TATE will grow in wisdom and understanding. Let him be more than “smart” and embrace what is good and right. James 1:5
  • Lord, I pray TATE will make wise decisions in the face of peer pressure. 1 Corinthians 10:31
  • Lord, I pray TATE will allow you to transform his life. Jeremiah 24:7
  • Lord, give TATE a strong desire for your word. May TATE have a hunger for more of you, and may he find your words sweeter than honey. Psalm 19:10
  • Lord, I pray TATE would get caught doing right. Psalm 37:3
  • Protect TATE in this increasingly unsafe world. Keep him from wickedness and harm. Psalm 91:1–2
  • Thank you, Lord, that you are watching over TATE day and night. I pray he feels loved by you. I pray he feels you by his side and understands you are always there as he grows older. Psalm 121:5–6
  • Lord, I pray TATE is filled with the love of God. I pray he will know how deeply he is loved and that love overflows onto others. 1 Corinthians 13:6–7
  • Lord, I pray TATE would believe the truth about who he is in Christ. Ephesians 2:10

I’ll be honest, some days after praying these over Tate, I find myself praying them with my name in them or others in my life. God’s word is transforming and pricks my heart to care for others as I read it.



Julie Daniel Davis
Mom’s Mumblings

I write my thoughts in order to deal with them fully. From education topics to spiritual growth...and who knows what's next?