Big Picture

Julie Daniel Davis
Mom’s Mumblings
Published in
3 min readJan 25, 2023

I’ve been reading Ezekiel’s last prophecy for the last few days- dimensions of the new temple in the new Jerusalem. I’ll admit that I bore with the exact cubit measurements being explained for every little detail. I feel like I muddle through these chapters with lackluster care in trying to get the most out of them. Tonight, after realizing my progress in the evenings has slowed down dramatically, I decided to step back and consider the WHY to all these details.

Either there is an expectation that the exact temple is expected to be built on Mt Zion after Jesus’s second coming (which is mind blowing if this is the case) OR God was using these visions metaphorically to explain to that he was in the details to his exiled people. He wanted them to understand that he had a bigger plan for them. He knew they could recall the former temple. He knew they longed for Jerusalem. A promise of a renewed Jerusalem rallied the troops- so to speak.

How often does God do things in my life that can only be explained as super natural? I have many examples where the timing of a phone call, or a conversation speaking directly to my hurting heart, or roadblocks that made no sense, start to open up a path for me that I had no doubt was God ordained even if it wasn’t on my radar.

Many, many years ago I had quit teaching full time in a district because the students were going back to school in July and my girls weren’t until mid-August. Part of my wanting to be an educator was to spend more time with my girls. So I quit that year and chose to substitute teach at the school my girls went to. Due to the fact I was a high school teacher, I subbed in the high school there very regularly.

One day I was walking through the elementary and the principal asked if I would consider subbing there. I was hesitant, but said I would do the older grades. I immediately fell in love with teaching elementary students. By December, I knew I missed having my own classroom with students. I also knew I didn’t want to work full time. I vividly remember going by the principal’s office and asking if I could use him as a reference because I was going to put out feelers for a part-time teaching job. I remember saying, “I know these are few and far between but it’s what I feel led to do.” He said of course I could and he would miss having me as a sub, if I did find a job.

About a week later, he called me in the middle of the day and told me that the elementary computer teacher would be leaving after Christmas and he asked if I would be interested in that part time job. I almost choked on God’s provision! I had taught computer classes at the high school level. It was a part time teaching job. It was where my kids went to school. I had no doubt that the answer was a resounding YES, I WANT TO TEACH THERE! God was in every single detail and he showed me I was following his plan in every way, but a burning bush!

Tonight as I continue to read about alter sizes, laws of the temple, and priestly garments, I can get lost in its significance in my life today. But then I remember how significant it was to a bunch of wandering Jewish people who needed a mental vision to give them hope. Just like a wandering substitute who needed to know what she felt the lord calling her to was really his will.

Thank you, Lord for helping me to see the big picture of your word and allowing it’s application to be evident even in what feels like the most mundane reading to me. Thank you also for “God moments” where I have known beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are real, you want what’s best for me, and my faith is grounded in truth.



Julie Daniel Davis
Mom’s Mumblings

I write my thoughts in order to deal with them fully. From education topics to spiritual growth...and who knows what's next?