Breaking Bread with Others

Julie Daniel Davis
Mom’s Mumblings
Published in
2 min readJan 16, 2023

I’m thankful to be given each day as a chance to make memories- for myself and others. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, sitting around the table chatting with people you want to know more about and you care about is one of my favorite things to do. There is something about bread breaking with others that let us drop our defenses and pretenses. It doesn’t matter what the food is, togetherness over a meal brings me joy. A full belly satisfies us in more than just physical ways. It gives us a sense of safety and belonging. It gives us comfort and confidence for what is ahead.

It’s actually no surprise to me that Jesus said some of his most prophetic and intentional words while sitting around a table with people he cared about. There are less distractions at a table. We all face each other, not all pointing our faces at devices or tv screens. We are all of one purpose- sustenance, and anytime a group is all doing the same thing, we are less likely to focus on our differences. Jesus knew the value of a well timed meal to meet the needs of others. He turned a few fish and loaves into many to minister to those seeking to learn more about God. He changed water into wine to prolong the wedding celebration. He challenged the idea of unclean food. He even called himself the bread of life.

The last week I’ve had the opportunity to spend time around the table with others. I’ve had meals prepared by others where I’ve been the guest. I’ve had meals in restaurants where we sat and chatted with no host, so no stress on anyone. I’ve ate quick meals with others before the next task at hand. I am convinced that God uses mealtimes in my life to show me the blessings of others in my life, the blessings of bounty, the blessings of community.

Thank you, God, for allowing the table to become a place where you often speak to my heart and stir joy deep within me. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to break bread with friends and family this week in a way that makes my heart fill full to the brim tonight. Show me ways to minister to others through a meal.



Julie Daniel Davis
Mom’s Mumblings

I write my thoughts in order to deal with them fully. From education topics to spiritual growth...and who knows what's next?