One Word 2023: Intentional

Julie Daniel Davis
Mom’s Mumblings
Published in
2 min readJan 6, 2023

Since 2015, I’ve picked a “One Word” to focus on for the year. Most of those years were very professionally oriented words. In my defense, I was introduced to the concept of #OneWord from a professional perspective. The following is a list of my words since 2015:

2015 Let’s

2016- beta

2017- brave

2018 perspective

2019 resolve

2020- humility

2021- heel

2022 JOMO

As I look over the words and consider things happening in my life in each of those years, it’s not hard for me to see where my focuses were by the words chosen.

A few years ago, Kendall made everyone in the family a painted ornament with a word on it that reminded her of us. it was a very personal gift that was meant to be affirming and showing our gifts. But my word was “passionate.” While I felt extremely seen, the word cut me to the quick because I knew that most of the time my passion in life was misdirected. My passion wasn’t focused on Christ and growing more like him, but on worldly endeavors. She mentioned my zeal for education, and of course most people know my love for Alabama football. I don’t remember what year that was, what I do remember is that it pushed me to want to live a less self-absorbed life to have a different word to be remembered by.

This year, I’ve been praying about what word would best describe my goals for the 2023 year. I’ve chosen the word, “intentional.” I have a desire to live life with less fluff and more meaningfulness. I’m purging closets. I’m continuing to be more purposeful in my relationships. I’m striving to be a better listener, fully giving attention to those around me. I want to be fully grounded where my 2 feet happen to be at any moment- not pulled into my phone with mindless scrolling, or daydreaming about insignificant, worrisome self-babble. I want this year to be a year of being more intentional in every aspect of my life. With the choosing of this word, also comes a level of discipline. God, help me to learn more about and then define the word “intentional” in my life this year. Give me wisdom and discernment to know where I need to grow and to be willing to make the changes needed to get there. Help me to lean into you to live a truly God-honoring intentional life. Amen.



Julie Daniel Davis
Mom’s Mumblings

I write my thoughts in order to deal with them fully. From education topics to spiritual growth...and who knows what's next?