
Julie Daniel Davis
Mom’s Mumblings
Published in
2 min readDec 23, 2022


1. withstand the action or effect of.

“antibodies help us to resist infection”

2. refrain from doing or having (something tempting or unwise).

Is there anything in your life that you are actively trying to resist? something you are tempted to do but are trying not to do? In most cases, that “thing” is sin. God calls us to resist sin and flee temptation. He calls us to obedience and submission.

2 Timothy 3:2 explains our nature, “For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy,” Our natural inclination is towards disobedience. This has to do with free choice and being part of a fallen world. Even when we choose obedience, it’s usually towards man and not God. We choose obedience because of what we can get from it- whether it’s immediate or long term. A child chooses to obey his parent during the act of rebellion because he doesn’t want a spanking or to be grounded. The natural inclination of adults is to choose to follow the law so you won’t be put in jail or ostracized by peers.

So I ask again, is there anything you are intentionally fleeing in your life that brings God honor? Are you spending time with God asking him how to be a better you? Have you done a self check to know where your weaknesses are? Have you acknowledged them to God? Do you ask for his guidance by the Holy Spirit in those areas or do you shut down the Holy Spirit by ignoring it? We should all be fleeing things in our life- whether it be our propensity for gossip, our self-serving attitude towards life, or substances that control us far more than we want to admit… we have not been made perfect as a follower of Christ and therefore we must make a conscious effort to flee these things and their grasp.

When Jesus was in the wilderness with Satan, he didn’t casually say “leave me alone” when he was tempted. He quoted scripture to remind himself and Satan of God’s plan for him and he very adamantly said “ Away from me, Satan!” What thought, action, or deed do you need to flee from? The word is a strong one. “Flee” feels like “run for your life” or “move quickly,” it even evokes a sense of urgency that is associated with fear. That’s how strongly Jesus calls us to do our part in living for him and turning our backs on worldly pulls. Today, I am considering what God might be calling me to flee. As the new year approaches, a sense of new beginnings is also approaching. I’m striving to prepare my heart for what lies ahead. “For what lies ahead is far greater than what we leave behind.” CS Lewis.



Julie Daniel Davis
Mom’s Mumblings

I write my thoughts in order to deal with them fully. From education topics to spiritual growth...and who knows what's next?