TRYING for Baby Number 2: A New Series on Mom Life Chronicles.

After almost 2 years of giving birth, I am finally ready to start trying again. However, this might not be as easy as the first time.

Olivia M. 🤎
Mom’s Self-Esteem
2 min readMay 21, 2024


May God allow Julia and me to experience the same moment 🥹

After two years of adjusting to our new parenting life, my husband and I finally made the big decision to start trying for baby #2.

Our daughter, Julia is quickly approaching her terrible 2s and we both agree that we would all benefit from having a second child, God willing. Mostly because Julia needs a buddy to play with and our poor cats deserve a break.

While I believe being mentally, and physically ready for this somewhat familiar challenge, I realize that the emotions at play are already giving me a hint into the fact that this might not be what I had expected at all. The reasons being:

  • My body looks and operates differently.
  • My mindset is not the same.
  • We have a clingy toddler now.
  • We are trying to save on house renovation which means that my husband spends most of his free time building our home.
  • Our incomes have not been the same since I decided to work part-time while building side hustles.

I hope to turn this list into a weekly or monthly series (let me know what do you think) in which I share our journey. You can expect to read about topics like:

  • Feeling sexy in your mom’s body! I think it’s time to retire the nursing bras and swap them for something sexy and comfy! (I am on a mission to find the sexiest and comfiest bras with the best support for mothers)
  • Creating sexy time for your husband and you because yes! now you have to schedule it.
  • Adjusting your diet and daily activities to help regulate your hormones if you have a high level of testosterone. Women who struggle with PCOS will highly benefit from this.
  • Most importantly, how to continue showing up for your family and avoid overwhelming yourself.

and more!

If you are as excited about these topics as I am, I encourage you to subscribe because it’s about to get raw, spicy, and exciting!

I am very excited about this series because it perfectly fits this newsletter’s purpose: to share relatable stories about motherhood and support you in prioritizing your personal goals so you can be a happy mom for your family.

Leave claps if you like these topics and let me know what more you’d like to read in this series in the comments.



Olivia M. 🤎
Mom’s Self-Esteem

I use my voice to serve and empower mothers who value being at home with their kids while earning an income doing the things that they love the most.