Dream Warriors

Jamais Biedermann
Mona Lisa Overdrive
4 min readAug 31, 2014


The Dark Ages of Scientific Enlightenment had been spawned by man’s fear of the unknown as present in the untamed forces of life and nature, most vividly experienced in the earthquake of Lisboa, in famines and the black plague that seemed to defy all human efforts. Those fears inspired and reanimated the belief in higher agencies, commonly referred to as gods. The fear inspired by God gave rise to the idea of sin that suggested man must have caused his predicament by failing to meet commandments and obligations …

Older religions and mythologies lived under the reign of assorted deities that were a reflection of human characteristics and weaknesses and were themselves embroiled in constant battle with each other. According to scientific reasoning they may be seen as a rather accurate reflection of the human predicament, but they made man a slave and victim of agencies he didn’t really understand. The monotheistic concept of sin was progress insofar as man took charge of his life and fate by assuming responsibility for the deal he was given …

Our strength is the result of the challenges we tackle. By eliminating the challenges and reducing the discrepancy between reality and what we can hope for, science has rendered humankind weak and insipid, a herd of cattle and sheep, of douchebags and marshmallows who celebrate themselves for being what they are. Science has given us technology and pharma as tools and crutches that allow us to delegate responsibility over our choices and way of life. Thus science and democracy have collaborated in disabling and emasculating rather than empowering humankind …

Born from fear of the unknown, science has become man’s worst enemy, not so much for the visible and physical damage in its wake but because it has succeeded in castrating and emasculating man. Fear might make us strong if we dare face and embrace it. Man is born from the dark. As human beings we have emerged from the dark of the womb, as conscious, self-aware sentient beings we have emerged from the dark of pre-conscious unawareness. Thrown into the cold glare of self-awareness as abandoned sentient beings, we have no choice but to overcome our predicament and make the wound of self-awareness our home by advancing from being victims of abandonment to becoming creators of a world that meets our needs and expectations …

A leader is he who will encourage and empower his followers and disciples to live up to the potential they had been born with. The world as we know it is the dark realm of matter that resists our advancement toward the dream that has brought us here. The dream which our ancestors have failed. Our heritage is in the dreams they had once pursued and then abandoned, rather than in their preliminary achievements. The future of any dream is not a fixed and frozen state but a journey toward the horizon that withdraws as we advance. The purpose of life and dreams is not in achieving a certain goal but in the journey itself. The bolder my dream, the farther it will take me and the fiercer the challenges that I will have to tackle, but the stronger it will make me. The gain will be in learning to make do with less …

Reality is the underworld of matter where the sun never rises. The sun is the eternal flame of truth that is born from my sacrifices as I’m consumed in mind, matter and dreams by my struggle with the dark matter and energies of reality that is defined by the ego’s cravings and limitations. The less I can survive on, the less power the ego has over me. The less I need, the less I’m encumbered in pursuing my freedom to live to the full of my potentials …

We are born as incarnations of a dream. My personal freedom is to pursue the dream that might make life worth it. A leader will encourage and embolden us not to make do with less. He won’t tell us what our dream is or should look like, and he won’t preach. He will inspire his followers by living his own dream, and by the sincerity of his pursuit and efforts. As a sentient being it is my responsibility toward myself and toward my ancestors to get in touch with the dream that has brought me here and to make it happen as best I can …

The truth will emerge as the light that inspires others, the flame that feeds on my efforts and struggles and consumes me mind, matter and dreams. The light of truth may be found when the realm of matter has been overcome, and its brilliance and solace will correspond the sacrifices that I have brought …

Life on earth is the hell of ancient mythologies and religions. The deities that descended into the underworld may be seen as dreams of our potentials that enter the realm of matter to struggle with and overcome the human predicament of clinging to our puny, weak and facile ego; afraid of what might await us outside of the cave we have been born to. But our worst enemy is our fear. It makes us slaves of the status quo, the sheep and cattle who never venture out on their own …

A leader will not waste his time on sheep and cattle, but look for those who are bold and courageous in the pursuit of their dream to live to the full of their potential. We differ by the potential we carry in us, by our dreams and the faith they inspire, and by how far we dare take the challenge of our dream. Democracy is the rule of the domesticated biomass, the dark masses that are governed by their lowest common denominator. The future of humankind is with the dream warriors who can’t be intimidated by the obstacles we encounter in our pursuit of a life beyond the routines of common sense …



Jamais Biedermann
Mona Lisa Overdrive

Particle Accelerator recycling reality from a fractal perspective to attain a superposition of more than 2 possibilities