It’s Okay To Be Rich

Jamais Biedermann
Mona Lisa Overdrive
3 min readSep 10, 2014


First there was darkness, a warm and liquid darkness. Then, long before we learned to talk, there was a voice. A pattern of vibes and harmonies. Then a fierce light pierced the darkness and we were shocked awake in excruciating cold pain. But the voice was there and hauled us in, and it was now very near and clear. We learned to discern words and how to use them. First we used them to name things and describe the world around us. Eventually we used them to string sentences that added up to something bigger than the sum of words used and the elements they described …

This ability to make sense beyond of merely describing, of creating something that exceeds the means I am using, is a quantum leap that still needs to be properly acknowledged. It indicates that objective and unbiased knowledge isn’t just fiction, but an encumbrance, at least for our future development. If we could accept and live with the hypothesis of reality as a multiverse we might fare a lot better, independent of whether or not it may be true, simply because it would allow us to abandon notions of absolute truth …

We might consider the wealth and freedom gained by living within a world of kaleidoscope possibilities that are never fixed and static, but shift as we move about. We might advance from being mere accountants, engineers and administrators to becoming creators of a world that might allow us to live in accordance with our emotional needs that are never static either, but shift and fluctuate …

Man has trapped himself in the grid of logic reasoning. What was meant to serve as a map to navigate life has become a prison. Actually it is but a virtual prison, a construct of our minds, but as it determines our perception of ourselves and of the reality we inhabit it has turned reality itself into a prison and us into prisoners of our locked up minds. The cave that Plato suggested man has to leave is inside our minds. To leave the cave we need to give up on our assumptions of real and logic …

Not to know any longer who I am and where I’m heading should be a liberating and invigorating experience. Rather than fear the unknown we ought to fear being stuck in the patterns of our routines and habits. Music, movies, any kind of fictional attack and insurgency that allows us to access our dream potential will be more rewarding and regenerative than the drugs and therapies of mental and emotional sanitation. They may embolden us to shape reality in accordance with our dreams instead of worst case scenarios. And the more daring and courageous we become, the easier it will be for us to trust each other …

The heroines and heroes shall be those with those most daring ideas, admired for their persistence in not complying; for the future to be shaped by dreamers, fools and astral dancers. And the avantgarde shall be our children …



Jamais Biedermann
Mona Lisa Overdrive

Particle Accelerator recycling reality from a fractal perspective to attain a superposition of more than 2 possibilities