Spin Doctor #11

War, My Dear

Jamais Biedermann
Mona Lisa Overdrive


The maternal principle is born from humility, gratitude and the desire to serve. It is more evident in the animal kingdom than among sentient, scientifically enlightened humankind. Bloated with pride over having developed an independent mind, humankind is more concerned with celebrating itself in its individual representatives. The more educated and advanced according to the standards of scientific enlightenment a society is, the less its members value family and maternal values …

Children are being outsourced to professionals in child care, machines intrude upon the fetus to determine whether it is worth being born, the birthing is supervised and controlled by machines, technicians intrude upon the newborn’s organism, heart and soul to make it fit for survival in a society of industrial standardization to comply with the demands of production and consumption, of eating and excreting. Even love and sex are reduced to an affair of emotional hygiene and biological safety concerns. The female members of our species having lost all sense of their own potentials, it is no surprise that LGBT are running the circus, the soft spots of any civilization throughout history. Whenever a civilization was in its last stages of decline, its society succumbed to moral corruption, entertaining the crowds with spectacles of bad taste and atrocities …

Humankind won’t be saved if women compete as alpha animals with those who have got us to where we have become our own worst enemy. Do we want our children to turn out the same kind of alpha animals and doushebags that run our present society? To start making a difference would require that we, grown-ups and experts alike, shut up and listen to our children. They are our future, and if we don’t insist on telling them what is what, we might learn a few things that no computers can tell us. I have yet to see the computer that makes me fall in love ...

Children have the charm and grace that make me relent on whatever I may know about possible dangers and worst case scenarios. They are the incarnation of a better future. The less we insist on knowing better, the more we may learn from them. And who would be more qualified to help us tune in to our children than their mothers? By nature a mother does not recognize her child by reasoning and verbal communication. The connection has been established long before mental skills are being developed. Why animals are much better at caring for their off-spring than ego-driven humankind. If we allow for our mothers to listen and follow their children, we might learn about a mother’s inborn grace and charm that will be far superior to a professional’s competitiveness. They may lead us toward a future of joy and mutual empowerment …

Let go of our bloated egos and constipated minds. Training and education are not a matter of mental skills to prepare us for competing in intellectual athletics. There is more to life than being smarter than our fellow beings. Melvin Konner, in his book The Evolution of Childhood: Relationships, Emotion, Mind, presents human development as the result of play and fooling around. Trial and error. Breaking rules and going beyond ...

Looking at the entire range of human evolutionary history, Konner shows how cross-cultural and universal characteristics of our growth from infancy to adolescence became rooted in genetically inherited characteristics of the human brain. The emphasis is on ‘became’. For a pattern to be adapted and by habit be embedded in our mental and emotional architecture, it must have been tried and proven successful in long-term practice. A process of a duration that exceeds the scope and range of scientific research …

“All study of our evolution starts with one simple truth: human beings take an extraordinarily long time to grow up. What does this extended period of dependency have to do with human brain growth and social interactions? And why is play a sign of cognitive complexity, and a spur for cultural evolution? As Konner explores these questions, and topics ranging from bipedal walking to incest taboos, he firmly lays the foundations of psychology in biology.” ( http://www.amazon.com/The-Evolution-Childhood-Relationships-Emotion/dp/0674062019 )



Jamais Biedermann
Mona Lisa Overdrive

Particle Accelerator recycling reality from a fractal perspective to attain a superposition of more than 2 possibilities