Spin Doctor #12

Flower Power Bonding

Jamais Biedermann
Mona Lisa Overdrive


From a review of Melvin Konner’s The Evolution of Childhood: Relationships, Emotion, Mind: “As the book eloquently explains, human learning and the greatest human intellectual accomplishments are rooted in our inherited capacity for attachments to each other. In our love of those we learn from, we find our way as individuals and as a species. Never before has this intersection of the biology and psychology of childhood been so brilliantly described …”

So far the emotional bonding involved in teaching has only been acknowledged by the trade of LGBT and paedophelia perpetrators to implant their homosexual interpretation under the pretense of educational purposes. The worst that can happen to our children. It is probably no coincidence that Richard Dawkins, considered an authority among the scientific community, has publicly condemned those who fight paedophelia. Science seems to have degenerated to finding excuses for any depravity. To some of its members everything has become relative and negotiable. How are we to judge and evaluate our choices and potentials, if we do not know and acknowledge our priorities?

Our children are our future beyond concerns of health care, life insurance and retirement issues. To understand the biological purpose and nature of education, we need to surrender our children to their natural spring and source of the most genuine concern — their mothers, provided they are capable and willing to serve as mothers. Instead of hiring cold blooded scientists and engineers, we must enable our children’s mothers to fulfill their duty and responsibility. But not as a duty and obligation, instead as the blessing it is …

For the rest of us, we may tune in to what we shall witness as our children learn to enjoy themselves without struggling and fighting for supremacy. We might learn more than our bloated, constipated and calcified egos are capable of imagining. We might become capable to enjoy ourselves without imposing our puny ego on others. This would be the kind of soft bonding that cannot be corrupted by moral immune deficiency …

Not video games are the reason and cause for the increasing violence among children and youths. Their susceptibility for the trash culture is a result of our civilization that does not honor family values and has neglected for centuries, if not millennia to support and empower its maternal hearth and spring. The reason for our predicament is the Meta Alpha Animal of the Dark Ages of scientific Enlightenment that has made us slaves to our machines. Initially the machines had been meant to grant us more freedom so we may lead lives of worthiness. To escape the trap of profit and scientific reasoning we must tune in to the sources of joy and emotional bonding, alive and present in our children and their mothers …

Success will be found and shared in the joy that our children may experience. The more they can enjoy themselves, the more daring and imaginative they will be, taking us way out to where we have never been, not even in our most daring bouts of imagination. Picasso once said that to become a true artist he had to unlearn everything his trade and profession had taught him for becoming a master. It applies to all and every human effort as opposed to professional, economic enterprises. Our children are our future not as insurance for old age, unemployment and illness, but as guides, teachers and inspiration, empowering us beyond our expectations …

Empowerment is the most versatile instrument of reciprocity as those may testify who have had the luck to find love, whether forever or temporary. The more I can give, the more I will get in return. Hard as it is among grown-ups, our children may show us the way, if we allow for it. To get started, we should honor and pay tribute to their mothers and support them to fulfill their mission …

We are all servants to each other. In ancient times the community served and protected its mothers and children as incarnate promises that the community would prosper and evolve to new heights. Not in turn-over of resources but in true life quality, for its members to enjoy themselves and expand the range of their skills and potentials in supporting one another …



Jamais Biedermann
Mona Lisa Overdrive

Particle Accelerator recycling reality from a fractal perspective to attain a superposition of more than 2 possibilities