…and I’m 20.

Mona Loise
The Yellow Box
Published in
2 min readOct 6, 2015

I still can’t believe I’m already 20y/o. I mean I haven’t been so sure with what I’ve been doing with my life and I’m pretty much just going with the flow. Not that it’s such a bad thing. I don’t know, how silly of me to think that growing a year older would make such a huge difference. Like taking a huge step. But nope, here I am, still the same as the 19y/o me, haha! Growing up isn’t something that age defines. I figured it’s something we, people, do everyday. We grow up in the things we do.


I really am grateful for the twenty years — for the people around me, for the experiences, for everything. I’m not going to be who I am today without those.

Tagaytay view

I spent my day with Casey at Tagaytay. It was just a simple day full of giggling and talking. I can’t find words to describe how perfect the day was despite the rain. It was wonderful.

