Monaize to Conduct MNZ Token Pre-Sale

Monaize Token Sale: Banking meets Blockchain
3 min readMar 27, 2018

Monaize’s campaign to conduct an ICO officially began back in June 2017 when we joined forces with our partners at Komodo Platform from which “Banking meets Blockchain” was born. At the time, with extremely bullish cryptocurrency markets and growing worldwide enthusiasm and hype for blockchain technology, it made sense for the team to move quickly and get an official date in the calendar before the year’s end.

As part of this strategy, a small amount of funds were deemed sufficient to get Monaize to public ICO stage and were used for primarily for marketing and logistics, as the team travelled to events around Europe, including the Blockchain Solutions Forum in Barcelona, and partnered with well-known media players in order to promote the project, spread the word and grow our community of loyal supporters.

Crypto Summit 2018, Zurich.

We are fortunate to have been present in the crypto space for longer than most current ICO projects, and are already in discussions with a large number of token sale participants from all over the world with whom further meetings have been arranged in the coming weeks. Today (27th march) and tomorrow our CEO, Vincent Rajoo, is attending the Crypto Summit 2018 event in Zurich, at which high profile speakers such as Alex Tapscott, Tim Draper & Oliver Bussmann will be present.

Recruiting the best people is, and always will be, a top priority for Monaize. Our team has grown further in the last few months with new talents on both the technical & financial side of the business.

Monaize’s CEO strategizing with four members of the tech team.

The strength of the Monaize team is its biggest attribute, and is crucial to ensuring that we scale internationally at a rate never seen before in the world of banking, whilst building an open, hybrid platform that benefits users first, but is also highly-lucrative for the financial partners that integrate into it.

As part of our hybrid strategy, we felt that it was imperative to have the in-house blockchain expertise to not only guarantee safe and successful issuance of MNZ tokens, but also for the longevity of our platform which will rely more and more on decentralised technologies over time. We now have a fully-functioning wallet and a smart back-office application for the sale of any bitcoin-derived crypto assets.

In order to further bolster the foundation that we have built, and continue with the recent momentum that we have gained, we have decided to conduct a pre-sale of MNZ tokens with individuals and crypto funds that share Monaize’s vision for a financial world built on decentralised systems. As part of this fundraising phrase, details will be negotiated privately with participants but we can divulge that amounts equal to no less than $200,000 will be accepted at this stage (please remember that funds are being raised in BTC and KMD and that these dollar amounts are used purely for reference).

The maximum cap for the private sale has been set at $8 million with a minimum cap of $4 million. Token sale participants at this stage will gain a deeper insight in to our product and business model and will share our values, our ethics and our vision for a hybrid transition to cryptocurrency adoption.

The Monaize private token sale will provide the basis for a successful public token sale soon afterwards by ensuring the continued growth of the team and our hyper-scalable platform. It will also ensure that the marketing and legal aspects are covered for the widest participation possible when the sale of tokens is opened up to the general public.

For more information or to enquire about participating please get in contact:



Monaize Token Sale: Banking meets Blockchain

E-banking platform made with love for freelancers and small businesses. // Plateforme d’e-banking dédiée aux indépendants et aux TPE.