Public MNZ Test ICO Bonuses and Bounty Details

Public MNZ Test ICO: Tuesday 22nd May 2018 @ 12:00 GMT.

As many of you learned from the article posted by our CTO, Guillaume Derivery, on Friday 18th May, a public MNZ Test ICO will be taking place on Tuesday 22nd May @12:00 GMT.

The purpose of this article is to explain how this test ICO will be orchestrated as well describing the bounties. Please read carefully as there are big rewards to be won, in the form of real MNZ tokens, during this test ICO!

Test ICO Bonus Scheme

The MNZ token distribution application gives us flexibility in a number of different areas including how bonuses work. For this test ICO, participants are of course able to obtain “Early Bird” bonuses, as is the case with many ICOs. However, in order to make things more interesting we will also be activating the “couponing” feature, meaning that participants will be able to access even larger bonuses!

When the test ICO starts, we will provide participants with a URL through our main communication channels including Slack, Telegram, Twitter and Facebook. When Test ICO participants open the URL, a code will appear stating how much the bonus is worth (as a % of extra MNZ) and the minimum of amount of TESTBTC or TESTKMD that needs to be placed in order for the coupon to work. The number of coupons the participant is able to access will be limited by a timeout feature.

The special bonus coupon code is entered after clicking the buy button, at which point a pop-up will open for order confirmation. Please enter the coupon before confirming the order. Coupons bonuses for this test ICO can be up to 1000%!

Exclusive Bonus Coupon Entered in Order Confirmation Pop-up

Test ICO in Two Rounds

The MNZ Test ICO will will have two rounds of 3 days. The first round will take place from Tuesday 22nd May to Thursday 24th May. Details on max raise cap, max TESTMNZ purchase, early bird scheme and exclusive bonus coupons are show below:

MNZ Test ICO — Round 1— Bonus Scheme

We will then take a break on Friday 25th May before moving to the second round of the test ICO on Saturday 26th May @12:00 GMT. Details below:

MNZ Test ICO — Round 2 — Bonus Scheme

Bug Bounty

Bugs need to be reproducible. The more details we have, the bigger the bounty will be (screenshots/console stack/logs etc).

Graphical bugs will not be rewarded as part of the bounty campaign.

To be tested:

  • Swaps (Transactions in & out)
  • Coupons (swaps)
  • Bonuses (swaps)
  • Security breach
  • Electrum failures
  • Passphrase usage issue & bip39 protocol.

The appreciation and severity (likelihood & impact) of reported issues judged purely at the discretion of the MNZ core team.

Bugs can be reported by creating an issue on GitLab.


The bug bounty is rewarded from 50 to 5000 points:

  • Critical: up to 5000 points
  • High: up to 2500 points
  • Medium: up to 1000 points
  • Low: up to 500 points
  • Note: up to 50 points

1 point = 1 real MNZ, something which may change without prior notice.

You should know that we can cancel the program at any time, and awards are at the sole discretion of the MNZ team. All awards are subject to applicable law. Finally, your testing must not violate any law or compromise any data that is not yours.

Participation Bounty

As well as the bug bounty, at the end of the two test ICO rounds, participation bounty winners will be chosen based on who manages to purchase the most TESTMNZ over all. We will reward the 3 people with the richest TESTMNZ wallets as follows.

Participation Bounty Award for 3 richest MNZTEST Wallets.

The bounty program can be cancelled at any time and awards are at the sole discretion of the MNZ team. All awards are subject to applicable law. Finally, your testing must not violate any law or compromise any data that is not yours.

The MNZ ICO public test using TESTKMD / TESTBTC & TESTMNZ is scheduled to take place:

Tuesday 22nd May 2018 @ 12:00 GMT.

Get the latest wallet release available for Mac, Windows and Linux here:

*Don’t forget to upgrade to the latest version before the ICO starts.



Robert Miller
Monaize Token Sale: Banking meets Blockchain

Passionate about decentralized technologies and the ways in which we can get past the early hype and encourage majority adoption.