Stop Freaking Out Over Conversion Rates As A Small Business

You’re better of working on increasing traffic than turning 15 customers/mo into 16.

Alexander D. Riddle
Monarch Wave
2 min readMay 12, 2018


I hear some version of this sentence all the time.

“Why do we have 100 visitors to the site this month, but only TWO purchases. It must be broken.”

The fact is, there’s not really anything wrong with your site. You’re just thinking of conversions on the internet in the same way you think of conversions in the real-world.

If someone comes into your store, you might have a 40% conversion rate. If you cold call them, you might get a 2% conversion rate. Direct mail might only net you a 1% conversion rate.

The internet is busier than all of these. There are more choices now online than there has ever been. There are more people asking for things than there has ever been.

It’s normal that out of 10,000 visitors to your site, you might only get a handful of sales.

Yes, you can spend hours optimizing your conversion rate and make a small impact. But, you’re wasting time without traffic. Spending all that time to go from a .5% to a 1% conversion is worthless if you’re only getting 100 visitors a month.

Get something up, make it usable. Then, drive traffic to it. Only after you’re getting substantial traffic should you even begin thinking of changing your damn button colors to squeeze .1% more out of your funnel.



Alexander D. Riddle
Monarch Wave

Founder & CEO of Monarch Wave Marketing. I write about marketing, startups and travel.