The 8 Best SEO Blogs in 2018

With how much SEO changes, you need to stay updated.

Alexander D. Riddle
Monarch Wave
2 min readApr 24, 2018


SEO is an ever-evolving discipline, and to stay in the lead you’ve got to stay updated on the industry. There’s new updates almost weekly, and finding out first can give you a leg up over your competitors.

Here’s the top 8 blogs to do that:

Google Search Blog

There’s nothing better than getting information straight from the source, and this is pretty much the only place to do it with Google. While they don’t write about everything, it’s a good place to start with the latest news.

Search Engine Journal

While not solely dedicated to SEO, Search Engine Journal still stands out as a great source of quality information on the latest news. The articles are well written, and there’s a lot of tactic-style posts there as well.

Search Engine Land

Not to be confused with Search Engine Journal, Search Engine Land focuses more on only current news in the industry. There’s definitely less tactic style-posts, and more news article style writing.

Moz Blog

Started by Rand Fishkin in 2004, Moz has grown into an industry powerhouse. While Rand stepped out of the company in February, he’s still making Whiteboard Friday videos and writing on the blog.

Search Engine Watch

While it’s not my favorite blog by far (the design makes me shiver), the information they post is pretty good and up-to-date. Their sections on PPC advertising are a bit better than their SEO, but that’s just my personal opinion.

Ahrefs Blog

When it comes to SEO research tools, Ahrefs takes the cake. Their blog is really well organized, and focused on actionable tactics to grow your business.

Yoast Blog

If you’re working on improving the SEO for a WordPress site, you’re probably using Yoast. It’s an incredible tool, and their blog is filled with actionable information. Their writing on technical SEO is exceptionally good.

Backlinko Blog

Founded by Brian Dean, the Backlinko blog is a great resource for actionable tips to improving your search results for people at every level. The posts can be a bit long, but the information is always worth the read.

What’d you think of my list? Anything you’d add? Take off? Leave a comment below!



Alexander D. Riddle
Monarch Wave

Founder & CEO of Monarch Wave Marketing. I write about marketing, startups and travel.