Showcase 1: Building an Instagram-Like Travel App | iOS Tutorial

Build and run the Travel App on both iOS & Android. The source code is available.

Nazlı Temurtaş
Monday Hero
Feb 25, 2021


4 screen design, sketch, iOS, Android, Mobile App Development, Code, Developer, Monday Hero, Sketch, Sketch to code
Travel app pages are supported for both iOS and Android.

In this app, users can share the pictures that they take, and have a timeline and profile page like Instagram. Also, users can see views, likes, usernames, comments, etc. Depending on your experience and the drafts that you have, building an app UI like this one, takes hours to days. With this tutorial, you can do it in less than half an hour.

Important Update: We’ve migrated this post to our official Monday Hero site for an optimized read. Please find the full, updated version of this blog post here.

