A dark room and a flash light

Chetna Parekh
Monday Morning Musings
Nov 16, 2020

Let’s say you need something from a dark room (think- pitch black). You don’t know where what you need might be in the room but you do have a flashlight.

What do you do? I would guess you go into the room and go over the room focusing your light on one area at a time. When you find the thing you need, you keep your torch focussed on it at least till you get closer to it and have it safe within your grasp.

Now, let’s imagine that this dark room is your mind and the flashlight your awareness.

What do you do now? Do you shine your torch of awareness on what you want? Or do you wander around in the dark? Or do you just leave the torch on and explore? Or do you let the torch sit somewhere- not caring if it is on or off- and just do whatever you can manage in the darkness knocking things over and getting hit in the knee and face every once in a while?

There is no right or wrong, better or worse choice. But the choice is still yours to make. And when you begin to make these choices rather than living in the default setting (whatever that may be for you), life starts to become a little more intentional.

I hope you will have an intentional week ahead and lighten up :P

