A sponge for all things good

Chetna Parekh
Monday Morning Musings
1 min readNov 30, 2016

Our interactions with people is going to lead us to observe them. We will find the good and the bad in people as we spend time with them or even around them.

We tend to notice the bad more and sometimes extend it to their entire personality. Now while that is morally wrong, I want to talk about the unproductive aspect of this method.

There is nothing to be gained out of the weakness of others. However, there is a lot to learn out of the strengths of people around us. Through this we can observe, analyse and adapt their positive qualities.

You can obsess about how many vacations a co-worker takes while you toil at work. Or you can observe how she manage to get her work done in a shorter span of time and adopt some of her best tricks.

If you are going to spend time thinking and talking about people, let it be to your advantage. Absorb their good qualities and improve as a person. And enjoy the additional benefit of getting along with more people than ever.

