How did you two meet?

Chetna Parekh
Monday Morning Musings
2 min readOct 29, 2018

Someone recently asked me to do a write-up on why my husband and I decided to adopt cats and what this journey has meant for us. This was for their social media campaign to promote adoption of cats. (Great cause!)

This got me thinking about how I met these beautiful cats and their then foster parents. And on exploring this thought more, I realized I’ve both asked this question and been asked this question tons of times. The question- ‘How did you two meet?’

Why do people want to know how/where you met your spouse, close friend, new friend, current employer, tonight’s date? What about this question or its potential answer interests all of us so much?

Is it because it helps us understand their journey better? Is it because you are in the mood to hear a great story? Or is it because we love to reflect on the possibility of us meeting someone like that in a similar situation? Hearing that somebody met their best friend at a concert suddenly gives us the courage to be more open to talking to strangers, isn’t it?

I don’t think there is one reason why this question is asked.

But I want to leave you with three thoughts (mini musings, if I may)

1. Why do you ask this question?

Reflect on the reason- it’ll help you be more aware when asking the question rather than using it as a conversation filler.

2. Ask it freely.

It will teach you something new about yourself and create more relatability between you and the receiver of this question.

3. Appreciate the people who are generally asked this question with you.

Two people who are asked this question together definitely share a bond that is inspiring to others. Take the time out to reflect upon this and appreciate these people in your life.

